The Marrow Cauldron Tavern

The Marrow Cauldron is a nice Tavern/Inn that was made a year after Bonekreep was founded when Ebony was to come here and set up shop.   It is a tail 30ft tail building that has 3 floors. Made from oak and stone with glass windows the tavern can hold up to 10 people not including the family that runs it, which lives on the top floor.
The first floor of the tavern has an oak floor with two wooded pilers in the middle of the main room close to the back it a bar with 6 barstools and a tail Tiefling man with red skin and blacken arms and curling horns with a general smile one his face named Ebony Coralen behind the bar. Within the room, you see 7 sets of tables on the right side of the room is a shelf with a few nicknacks books below it is a fireplace giving off a light glow of a fire and on the right side, you see a staircase going up.    There are 3 obvious doors that lead out of the room one you think is a back door, the one behind the bar you think leads to a kitchen by the smell and glow coming behind the door and the other a bathroom by the marking on the door.   
The Second floor is


The people that run the place are a family of Tiefling and Firbolg.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Owning Organization


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