The Race begines Report

General Summary

The 1st of Valhum to the 17th of Valhum

With the party now settled into there new home they were approached by Rinyan who told them about magic rings and how they were connected to Iyorin wanting them to find them before he goes after them.   In their travels, they went pasted Hazelmore and stayed in Rinyans old home finding it cleaned of research and the child's dead family, with Iyorin's familiar watching the party as they slept seeing into their minds for a little bit not wanting to let them know he is still trapped, he just let them be.   Continuing on to the town of Bayshade finding it to be a very rowdy town at night and in the towns mead hall they met the Ogresh Kimbrum who after test of the drink to Robert and reading into their conversation see they wanted to find the temple he tried to long ago tried to talk them out of going but looking at them he know he couldn't and left them be.

Character(s) interacted with

The Ogresh Kitlbrum
Rinyan Harbjor
Report Date
26 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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