Campaign Primer: Yester

Welcome to the Yester campaign series; a multi-part adventure path for Pathfinder® Second Edition. Yester takes place in a homebrew setting with its own cultures and ancestries and makes several changes to the standard Pathfinder ruleset. This page is dedicated to ensuring that you, as a player, have the basic knowledge required to start your journey in the world of Feór. For more information on the subjects within, refer to their full pages.  
The Lands of Auldÿn have seen the rise and fall of countless civilizations; each lending its own scars to the world before returning to dust. The nation of Feór is no exception.   Once a grand empire, Feór is nothing more than a loose collective of fair-weather allies united under the banner of the Yesterpact. The territories of Feór try desperately to survive upon the rubble of the past, but when one challenges the delicate balance, the entirety of the Yesterpact is put at risk.   An unassuming band of travelers must stop this rising threat, lest it give rise to a greater one - older than any they have ever faced.

World Meta

Present-day Feór is analogous to 6th-century Europe with cultures that take inspiration from early Norway, Japan, Russia, and Mongolia. While not all Feóran cultures match this rule as closely, it is still valuable inspiration for the aesthetic and feel of new characters.   The world of Auldÿn takes heavy inspiration from TV shows like Into the Badlands and Fullmetal Alchemist, games like NieR: Replicant and Kenshi, and books like The Vagrant by Peter Newman and The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks.  

The Land of Feór

Yester takes place in the nation of Feór long after the collapse of advanced civilization. Mankind has recovered to an extent but, aside from the small groups who specialize in the recovery of pre-history artifacts, technology has devolved to a dark-age state. Cloth, hide, and mail armor is standard among the commonfolk and some cultures have mastered the art of recycling metal scrap into scale and lamelar armor. Weaponry is crude and basic, consisting of things like axes, polearms, swords, and bows, though some of the more talented engineers have managed to replicate rudimentary firearms: dangerous but effective.   Buildings range in style, often reflecting their architect's culture and resources available. Wattle and daub dwellings with thatched rooves are common in less-prosperous settlements while more auspicious homes are constructed with lumber and stone. In settlements nearer to pre-era ruins many buildings are made from the repurposed shells of vehicles and shipping containers.   It is a shared belief among the civilized peoples of Feór that divinity has long-since abandoned the mortal plane. Rather than worship deities, they follow schools of thought known as the Three Pillars. Small cults dedicated to their own obscure deities are present in the deeper wilderness, but their followers seldom stray into civilized lands.
Magic, or as it is more widely known, the Spark, is an ever-present, yet often misunderstood force in Feór. Ever since the dissolution of the Grand Archive nearly two hundred years ago, the arcane arts have been looked on with fear and disdain. While the use of the Spark is not unlawful, practitioners are often shunned if not avoided altogether.
Feóran history consists of three distinct eras: elu norn, lir o's luun, and il e'krest. Elu norn, sometimes referred to as pre-history, encompasses all events before the collapse of civilization. Little is known about this time period and what is known is guarded as valuable secrets. The time period that spans from year 0 (the end of elu norn) until the founding of the Feóran Empire has been named lir o's luun and is sometimes referred to as "pre-era." Il e'krest, spans from the founding of the empire to present day.

Home Rules

While Yester uses Pathfinder's core rules as a base, many rules (such as lingering injuries and ancestry selection) have been changed or added to reinforce the tone of the game. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these changes before play.
  • Ancestry selection. Instead of selecting from standard fantasy races, players will have to choose from a list of homebrew ancestries.
  • Crafting. Characters can create and repair items with the propper materials and a successful skill check.
  • Equipment degradation. Certain circumstances can result in weapons and armor becoming damaged and less effective over time.
  • Favor. Characters earn "favor" in place of Pathfinder's "hero points."
  • Lingering injuries. Devastating blows may result in lingering injuries such as scarring or loss of limb.
  • Limited resurrection. Characters are limited to one non-miracle resurrection.
  • Rest & recovery. Characters recover from injury slower than normal, forcing them to think about combats before jumping in.
System Pathfinder 2e
Players 4-5
Schedule Biweekly
Location Virtual (Discord+FoundryVTT)
Required equipment computer, headphones, microphone, webcam
  Yester sessions will be recorded (audio or video) and used as an introduction to future errant.larp events

Ancestry Options

Chaunfolk (halfling/gnome)
Dhuerfolk (dwarf)
Eldfolk (elf)
Malfolk (human)
Ortfolk (orc)
Planetouched (tiefling)
SoMa (warforged)
Wildfolk (beastfolk)


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