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Khun-Del Academy

Khun-Del Academy   History -   Founded centuries ago by dwarves from Lor-Mram, the Academy of Khun-Del was a premier school, teaching the people of Fernall magic, and basic survival techniques in a hostile and dangerous world.   The students would come from all over Fernalls northern continent, and back before the mist veil closed off Keln to the world, from the southern continent as well. As The people because more confident in their world the academy adapted and began to expand their curriculums to include things such as History and the study of Society in order to give its people a better understanding of the world they lived in.   It became the most revered school in the whole world and expanded its campus to support new influxes as the world changed. And even after the biggest change, the catastrophe in Fernnalla, the school remained the grandest beacon of learning in the world.   Khun-Del Academy is now the largest learning institution in Fernall, and has taken it upon themselves to be at the forefront of higher learning in a world of diminishing Magic. As you know, Magic has been slowly dying out ever since the catastrophe of the Font of Magic that leveled Fernnalla over a century ago, and as a people we have been getting closer and closer to a world without magic. But Khun-Del is working to build and teach our newest technologies in order for us to move forward into the future!   Headmaster -   No one is more committed to this initiative than Headmaster Terrik Payet. Before taking the position he taught technological theory at the school before he stepped up and took the curriculum in this new direction.   "Here at the academy we strive for making the future bright and clear. Nothing is more important to me than the future of Fernall, and I feel like pushing the boundaries of what we can accomplish as a people is paramount, and I held the school moto close to my heart when I developed this curriculum."   And since taking the position of Headmaster at Khun-Del nearly 20 years ago the school has been producing more and more gifted students who are bringing the future Terrik has been working towards closer and closer every day.   Terrik created what he calls "The 4 Pillars of Study", which he believes are the 4 most important parts of learning about the past, present and how to move into the future.   The 4 Pillars of Study and its Faculty -   The First Pillar of Study, and the most popular class taught in Khun-Del is Future Technology and its lessons are that of "Steam Power", a new emerging technology developed and invented entirely by those that teach *and learn* at the school. The teacher, a tanuki named Akilo, has worked her whole life to realize the full potential of this new steam based technology.   "In my class we walk down every path. I never close a door on a student that has an idea until we've fully explored the road it opened to. With this method we have broken through so many of the barriers that come up when one is developing something new. You never know where your next bright idea with come from!"   Once such student is young Darren "Scribbles" Dania. Since enrolling this young catfolk has been working on a new flying machine they call an "Airship", the hull of which has taken up a significant portion of the academys southern campus.   "The idea took root in my head when I looked at the horizon and thought "What wonders could be beyond that line?". Professor Akilos eyes lit up when I asked that and from there we started work on the engine that I hope to finish soon! Then after that, the skies the limit!"   The Second Pillar of study is Magical History, lead by Professor Lorethian Dre'el. Though Magic may be fading from our world it's important to know it's uses and how it led Fernnall to where we are today. And since there are still isolated pockets of Magic that still exist it's important to know what to look out for.   The Third pillar is called Hard Creation, and teaches the basics of various fabrication techniques that were developed without the aid of Magic. Most of these are hold-overs from the beginning days of Khud-dels Dwarven faculty because, as we know the classics never go out of style.   Professor Durek Lor'drem, teaches the old Dwarven blacksmithing techniques to the students, maintaining the rich history of Dwarven craftsmanship while mixing those with the newer technologies of today.   And the final Pillar is Academia Fundementals, in which Professor Findelcog ensures the basics of learning, such as world history, reading and writing, and mathematics, are taught to every student that crosses the esteemed threshold of Khun-Dels gates.   The Campus Grounds -   The campus itself is a wonder. Settled off the south eastern path to Laynas Rest and the Great Bridge to Keln the campus is one of the greatest centers for creation of anything and everything the world might need, should it be required. The south section of the campus is dedicated entirely to the Pillar of Future Technology and seems to grow the campus bigger and bigger every year. It's current centerpiece is the aforementioned hull of the Airship that is being developed by the students and faculty there.   To the North is the center of the second and fourth Pillars of academic learning and houses several of the largest buildings on the continent, made to house the numerous classes on the various classes taught in those 2 Pillars.   To the East is the Workshops, where the students work on the classes of the Third Pillar, with its biggest feature being it's forge. Once the center of the Academy back when it was founded by the Dwarves, the forge is of the studies Dwarven make, and has, to this day, never needed any improvement.   And at the center of the campus sits it's Grand Hall. This opulent building is where the students and faculty gather for meals and other various gatherings, such as orientation and graduation.   Overall the campus is a site to see, and it's nearly as fantastic to look at as the technologies that have come from The Academy itself.   Putting it all together -   As you can see, the Academy of Khun-Del is the future of our people. Not only do they ensure our people know where we came from and where we are, but it puts special importance on where we are going. And in uncertain times, with the veil covering the southern continent to this day since the catastrophe in Fernnall, it's of the utmost importance that we move forward everyday, and ensure that we know the steps we took to get here. Khun-Del Academy is not only the pinnacle of this idiom, but also the vehicle in which we will get there.   As it's moto says: "Forward, Outward, Onward."

Forward, Outward, Onward

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