FLORA Registration

Use of the guild

Registering with FLORA (“the guild”) entitles you to the use of its services   Registered members may visit any of our branches - found throughout the continent - to take on jobs, receive payment for completed work, sell raw materials, as well as other various perks according to your rank

Your Registration Record

In order to become a member of the guild, you are required to register yourself as an independent contractor or a party.   Registration requires your full name, race, and fingerprint, as well as an initial registration fee of 100 GP, which may be paid upfront or in installments.   All information concerning your relationship and activities with the guild shall remain confidential from other adventurers or outside entities unless otherwise specified. Any staff members of the guild shall have full access to any and all information recorded, however.

The Division/Party System

  • A division can have a maximum of seven members
  • Only adventurers within one rank of the division’s leader can join the party
  • The rank of your division is the average of all your members’ ranks
  • For rank promotion purposes, all division members receive credit for any jobs completed as a division
  • Individual division members can still take on jobs independent of the division, provided they meet the requirements of the job
  • To join a division, you need approval from both the division leader and the guild
  • To leave a division, you only need approval from the guild
  • In order to forcefully eject a member from the division, consent from the leader and a majority of the division is required. In the event of a tie, the party leader has the right to make the final decision
  • Should the division leader die, the party is - for all intents and purposes - considered disbanded until the party returns to the guild and transfers leadership according to a majority vote. In the event of a tie, no leader shall be chosen, and the party shall remain disbanded.
  • Two or more divisions can join together to form a clan in order to access a variety of different services from the guild
  • If members of different divisions wish to do so, a mixed party may be formed in order to complete a job, provided they follow all of the other guild’s rules and meet the requirements of the job.

Prohibited Conduct

Members of the guild are strictly prohibited from:
  • Violating local laws
  • ANY Actions that disgrace and cause the reputation of the guild to fall, as decided upon by the guilds official rules, or by the judgement of an acting guild administrator
  • Actions that interfere or obstruct other guild members’ jobs
  • Buying, selling, or trading guild jobs
Any violation of this policy will result in the assessment of an appropriate fine and potential rank demotion, as well as potential revocation of your status as a guild member, and potentially permanent expulsion from entry to any guild properties and access to all services.

Breach of Contract

Any member who fails to complete a job they undertake is required to pay a breach of contract fee, two times the amount of the job reward compensation. The repayment period is half a year. If compensation is not paid, membership to the guild will be revoked, and members of the guild will be tasked with finding you in order to collect the full amount.


There are 6 ranks from E to S based on a party or Adventurer’s proven skills. As a general rule, you can only take jobs within one rank above or below you or your party’s current rank, though there may be exceptions. Various perks and services are given to members based on their individual rank.  
  • E Rank:
    You will receive a wooden plate, necklace, or other accessory marked with the guild’s insignia and your name, signifying your membership. E rank members are considered to be probationary members and are only allowed to take on missions given directly by the guild until promotion to D rank, which shall be determined by your performance on the given tasks
  • D Rank:
    You will receive an iron plate, necklace, or other accessory marked with the guild’s insignia and your name, signifying your rank and membership. You can now officially form a party or guild, and can freely take on appropriate missions from the guild.
  • C Rank:
    You will receive a bronze plate, necklace, or other accessory marked with the guild’s insignia and your name, signifying your rank and membership. You can now take on higher rank missions for the guild and can purchase room and board at local guild halls.
  • B Rank:
    You will receive a silver plate, necklace, or other accessory marked with the guild’s insignia and your name, signifying your rank and membership. You can now take on higher rank missions for the guild and have access to rooms of a higher-quality than those available to C rank members. Additionally, you now have access to the guild’s equipment rental and storage service.
  • A Rank:
    You will receive a gold plate, necklace, or other accessory marked with the guild’s insignia and your name, signifying your rank and membership. You can now take on higher rank missions for the guild, and rooms are now free, though the quality is equivalent to those accessible to B rank members. A rank members get a small discount on storage services, and can now also offer their stored equipment for rent, receiving a portion of rental fees paid to use their equipment. Finally, you have access to the guild’s intelligence network/services, for a fairly significant fee.

    It should also be noted that at this rank, the guild may have jobs/missions that you are required to accept. Such missions are considered to be of the utmost importance and are usually related to the safety of the guild or kingdom. Such jobs require high levels of skill, discretion, and experience. They are highly dangerous, but compensation appropriate to the risk shall be provided by the guild.
  • S Rank:
    Should you become recognized by the guild, promotion to S rank shall be available, provided the member(s) accept it. Information concerning this rank is only available to those who are eligible to receive it.

Rank Promotions and Demotions

After succeeding in a regulated number of jobs, or upon performance deemed substantial enough to warrant it, you will be offered the opportunity to increase your rank. Promotion to rank C or higher will require an interview and evaluation from the guild alongside a guild member of a higher rank than yourself.   If you feel that your ability isn’t up to standard, you may choose to remain at your current rank, at which point you will remain at said rank until otherwise requested.   If a member or party wishes it, they may choose to request a direct promotion by means of a practical test. The method of the test shall be determined by a staff member of the guild and will require a service fee, which shall be determined by the method of testing.   If you or your party fails a certain number of jobs in succession, your rank shall be demoted by one.


In the event of an emergency situation, members have an obligation to obey the guild staff members.   If you come across the bodies of other guild members, you are obligated to retrieve their bodies or some form of identification - preferably their insignia - provided it is within your capabilities to do so, and bring them back to the guild and report the location of their death. In the event that you are unable to do so, reporting of their body’s location is sufficient. Looting of the bodies is considered a strict violation of the guild’s Code of Conduct and will be met with an appropriate punishment.

Additional Stipulations

Further details concerning any of the above-mentioned rules or regulations will be provided by a staff member, should a member request it. While FLORA maintains the right to keep the exact details of each of our policies internal, a more detailed, written explanation by the staff concerning specific areas will be provided upon request.
Contract, Private


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