
Despite the naming convention, Half-Elves are those who have any mixture of human ancestry and elvish ancestry, no matter how large or small. If the human or elvish ancestry is diluted enough, it is possible for one to pass off as fully Elvish or Human, but such an occurrence is rare. In most cases, a half-elf can be fairly easily identified by their features, most noticeably their ears - which are much shorter than a full-blooded elf - and their physique - which tends to be shorter and less "feminine."   Despite their human DNA, a half-elf can perform on par with Lethe and Elves alike. The only measurable detriment is their lifespan, which is around 150 to 200 years, a mere fraction of a full-blooded elf. Due to being the offspring of what is often viewed as the highest class as well as the lowest class of species, Half-Elves have a highly complex relationship with the people of Ferox.


Unlike the other races of Ferox, Half-Elves don't have much concrete ancestry and culture. They are a scattered people who are often cast-away from their family the moment they are born. As a result, Half-Elves are most notable for their relationship with other races and cultures.

Relationships with other Elves


Most High-Elves look down upon Half-Elves, seeing them as a corruption of Yuné's chosen people, and will often treat them even worse than humans. It is not uncommon for High-Elves to go out of their way to worsen the life of a Half-Elf that they meet. Be that verbal insults, physical violence, or just blatant discrimination.


Due to the inherent nature of most Wood-Elves, it is rare for them to interact with a Half-Elf. In the event that they do however, it is extremely dependent on the overall nature of the settlement, though like with most Wood-Elves, that tends to air on the more hostile side. In a way, it could be said that Wood Elves are the more accepting of Half-Elves, due to the fact that they tend to mistrust everyone.


Of all the races, both Elven and Lethe, the Drow are probably the most accepting of Half-Elves. Both face extreme discrimination due to their ancestry, no matter their actual character. Elves - and Lethe - both show distrust and hatred towards them. As such, most Drow and Half-Elves feel a certain kinship towards one another.

Relationship with Lethe

It is hard to distinguish a solid placement on the social ladder of races in Ferox, but it would probably be most accurate to place Half-Elves somewhere in the center.   Some Lethe, such as the Pheonix or Vulpes, view Half-Elves with a certain sense of pity. Others, such as the Leporidae, have trouble separating them from their Elven ancestors and view them with a certain degree of disdain. In the end, it usually comes down to an individual's upbringing, and most simply will judge Half-Elves based on their character.  


Despite the highly antagonistic nature between Elves and Humans, Half-Elves are more common than one would think, though this is not for the best of reasons. Most half-elves are the result of an Elven noble and a human servant/concubine. Most Half-Elves - as well as their human parent - are immediately disowned by their Elven parent upon their birth.   Studies have found that an overwhelming number of Half-Elves come from an Elven father and human mother. Since Elves have a very low birth rate in comparison to other races, many scholars point to this phenomenon as proof that such a low birth rate is a result of female elves' genetics, though many others debate this is simply a result of sociological factors.


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