
The Leporidae are a rabbit type Lethe whose beast blood manifests in the form of floppy rabbit ears atop their head, as well rabbit-like feet from the ankles down. These blessings grant the Leporidae with exceptional speed and mobility, as well as extremely high levels of awareness.   The Leporidae are often considered to be a bit of an anomaly amongst the lethe, as their beast blessing actual reduced their lifespan and stature compared to their human ancestors. Due to their low strength and tendency to flee, they are typically viewed as weak and cowardly amongst the Lethe. They have a very low standing in Ferox and are often considered to barely be above humans.  

Character Creation

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom increases by 3, and your dexterity increases by 1. However your constitution and strength are both reduced by 2.   Age: The Leporidae mature slightly faster than humans, most likely due to their shorter lifespan, typically reaching physical maturity at around the age of 14. The Leporidae typically live to be 80 years old, 100 if they are exceptional. Despite their shorter lifespan, it is incredibly difficult to distinguish the age of a Leporidae once they reach maturity, with little to no difference between an elderly and a young adult.   Alignment: Due to their low standing in society and lack of influence, the Leporidae tend towards extremes. Those who are spiteful tend to be true evil, attempting to strike back at the society and those in it who have persecuted them. Those who want to prove themselves and their race tend to be lawful good, devoting everything in their power to change their races’ lives and reputation for the better. However most tend to lean towards extreme subservience, doing everything in their power to lay low and avoid the ire of other races, leading them towards true neutrality.   Size: The Lineaus are between 3 and 5 feet tall and weigh around 40-80 pounds. Your size is Small.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet   Eternal Prey: Your natural Wisdom has a cap of 22, rather than 20. However your natural Strength and Constitution can only reach a maximum score of 16 through non-magical means.   Nimble Feet: The unique trait of your beast blood in the form of rabbit-like feet make you exceptionally nimble and quick. When you make a melee attack against a creature, your opponent has disadvantage on opportunity attacks made against you until the end of your turn, whether you hit or not.You are also unable to wear footwear, unless it is specifically crafted to fit your person.   Hard to Pin: If you used the Dash action on your turn, you gain advantage on Dexterity Saving throws, and opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage.   Danger Sense: You are proficient in Perception, and get an additional +5 to your passive perception   Inferior Darkvision: Thanks to the blessing of beast blood, you have slightly improved vision in dark conditions. When in total darkness, you have a visual range of 15 feet. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


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