The Conclave

The Conclave is a collection of 7 individuals that govern the Pathfinders, composed of 2 representatives from each Great Clan, as well as an additional representative from the Vagrants.   In addition to coordinating the movements and operations of the Pathfinders, the Conclave is responsible for a variety of other key decisions for the citizens of Kilvas. These responsibilities range from evaluating the results of a Pathfinder's pilgrimage, to selecting instructors that are eligible to teach and mentor prospective members, to passing judgments against those who have been found to violate the laws and practices of Kilvas.  

Becoming a Member

In order to prevent stagnation within the Conclave, there are two ways to become a member (if you are a part of one of the 3 Great Clans of Kilvas).


The first and most achievable option is via combat. At the beginning of each new year, a tournament is held amongst each Clan in order to determine who is the strongest. Whoever wins the tournament has the option to challenge the member of the Conclave who currently represents their Clan, specifically the representative that achieved their position through this method. Should the winner of the tournament choose to challenge said representative and win, they will take their place within the organization until they are bested in a subsequent tournament.   If a member of the Conclave achieved their position through this method and chooses to resign, a tournament is held at the soonest possible date in order to determine a new representative. It should be noted that should a member of the Conclave wish to resign in this way, it is considered proper etiquette to announce their intent ahead of time and to wait for the standard date of the tournament to officially relinquish their position, in order to prevent a large disruption of the city's functions.   Additionally, this is the only method of joining the council that is available to the Vagrants.


The second option is arguably the more difficult method to become a member, which is to be selected by a predecessor. In theory, this appointment to the Conclave is meant to be for a lifetime. However, those who achieve this position have the option to resign whenever they so choose and may select their successor when they do so.   The only way for a member of the Conclave to lose their position when achieved in this manner is to resign, or for a majority vote of no-confidence to be achieved by the members of the Conclave. Should a vote of no confidence be achieved, the elected representative must be replaced by a representative chosen by their clan via majority vote.
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