
Basic Information

Biological Traits

Almost every dwarf is born with firey red hair. Those who do not are killed when they are born, a fact kept secret from other races.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Female dwarfs favour males with the most extravagant hair and beard styles.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship between dwarfs is conducted through fist fights between the courting pair. Males and females win as often as each other and it is not the winning that matters but how even the matched pair are in the fight. If one side easilly overcomes the other, the victor typically loses interest.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Primordial (Terran)

Common Taboos

It is a cultural taboo for a male dwarf to have no hair on their head. Balding naturally occurs in a small percentage of the male population. Often these males take their own lives or seek fights they can not hope to win.
100 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution