Dreamwalker Orchid
Dreamwalker Orchid – This extremely rare verity of flower grows in the Ranzin forest. It has flowers that range in the reds, pinks, purples and rarely white. The red and purple variety can be so dark they can look black. This plant has small thorns just behind the flowers that ooze with a toxic hallucinogenic poison giving it its name. The toxin causes minor hallucinations. They range from sight, sound and smell. Halflings are immune to this toxin while Dragonborn and Tieflings are easily addicted to it. 1D4 1 Sight, 2 sound, 3 Smell, 4 two or more. Halflings make Passion wine (similar to a love potion) from this from this plant but it had no addictive properties. A rare 1% of the plants will have a small berries (1D4) that is highly addictive to Dragonborn and Tieflings. A single berry will cause them to become addicted. The berries are the same color as the flower.