Sweet Flotsam

Sweet flotsam – A variety of seaweed that floats in the sea. It is crudely cultivated by halflings, goblins as well as many poor human villages along the coast. It delivers vitamins and is rich in minerals as well. The leaves are used in a sushi like dish and the stems and pods are often cut up for fresh vegetables in soups, salads and the like. The fruit and the tender top stems are sometimes pickled. Mithril otters are also a regular consumer of this. Large dark green leaves rise to the surface to gather sunlight as well as the "pods" or the fruit of the sea weed. Several branches reach out at the top of the plant letting the leaves increase in number feeding the rest of the plant with photosynthesis. The pods are semi hollow and have a thick wall of meat with a thin skin to protect it on the outside. Tiny seeds are on the inside walls of the pods. Long stems trail down into deeper water growing thicker the deeper it goes. This allows the root to intake water and allow the stem to filter out the salt in the water before it gets to the leaves and fruit. The pods have a salty sweet favor that is unique. The texture is similar to an apple. The stem can grow to as deep as fifty or sixty feet while some say it can grow beyond one hundred feet deep.


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