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Arch-Mage Talfryn Arnet

Talfryn Arnet, the venerable Arch-Mage of the Arcane Order, stands as a living embodiment of wisdom and arcane mastery. With his weathered visage and eyes that seem to hold the weight of countless years, Talfryn carries the burden of knowledge acquired through a lifetime devoted to the pursuit of magical understanding. As the leader of the Arcane Order, he exudes an aura of quiet authority, commanding respect and admiration from all who come into his presence. Talfryn's silvery mane and flowing robes serve as a visual testament to his advanced age and status within the Order. His keen intellect and discerning mind have guided the Order through turbulent times, providing invaluable counsel and insight to the Emperor and his court. Despite the passage of time, Talfryn's passion for the arcane arts burns as brightly as ever, and his dedication to the mission of safeguarding the realms from the encroachment of evil remains unyielding. With his sagacity and profound knowledge, Talfryn Arnet embodies the essence of the Arcane Order, a paragon of arcane power and a beacon of wisdom within a world teetering on the edge of darkness.
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
26 Frostfall 859 P.W
Deep Blue
Long and grey
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