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The Bearded Lady

Amidst the rugged alleys of Umberglow's Iron Quarter, where the clang of hammers and the scent of molten ore fill the air, stands The Bearded Lady tavern. A bastion of warmth and camaraderie in this dank dwarven city, The Bearded Lady beckons weary souls from the depths of the Underdark and welcomes those returning from treacherous expeditions. Its smoky interior resonates with the boisterous laughter of miners, explorers, and laborers, seeking solace and merriment after a long day's toil. Situated near the Great Elevator, the tavern's walls echo with tales of the deep, and its hearth kindles the spirits of those seeking respite from the darkness below.

Purpose / Function

The Bearded Lady tavern serves as a lively and vibrant gathering place for the hardworking inhabitants of Umberglow's Iron Quarter. Its intended purpose is to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere where miners, explorers, and workers departing or returning from the depths of the Underdark can unwind, share stories, and find camaraderie. The tavern's ambiance, infused with the rich dwarven heritage, fosters a sense of belonging and community among its patrons. Originally, The Bearded Lady tavern was established as a simple dwarven inn, catering mainly to local miners seeking respite from their laborious days in the mines. The Stonebeard family, renowned brewers and skilled miners, owned and operated the inn for generations. However, when Grondar Stonebeard, the current owner, returned from his own adventures with a fresh perspective, he transformed the humble inn into a bustling tavern that now attracts a broader clientele.   The purpose of the tavern shifted to not only provide a place for rest and sustenance but also to become a hub of social interaction, where stories and knowledge are shared. Grondar, with his passion for brewing and creating unique concoctions, introduced an extensive selection of craft beers, ales, and spirits to the menu.


Over the course of its existence, The Bearded Lady tavern has undergone several alterations and expansions to accommodate the growing number of patrons and to enhance the overall experience of its guests.  
  • The Mezzanine Expansion: In the tavern's early days, it consisted of a single-floor layout. However, as its popularity grew, the Stonebeard family recognized the need for additional space. They commissioned the construction of a mezzanine level, accessed by a sturdy stone staircase. This upper floor now houses cozy booths and private alcoves, providing more intimate seating options for smaller groups and enhancing the tavern's capacity.
  • The Stone Hearth: To add an element of warmth and comfort to the establishment, a large stone hearth was installed at the center of the main hall. The hearth not only serves as a source of heat during colder seasons but also acts as a focal point for the tavern's gatherings. It's here that the most captivating stories are shared, and lively debates often take place over tankards of ale.
  • The Brewery Annex: Given Grondar's passion for brewing, he expanded the tavern to include a separate annex where he and his family meticulously brew their signature craft beers and ales. This addition not only facilitates the brewing process but also showcases the artistry and craftsmanship that go into the creation of each beverage. The Brewery Annex allows patrons to witness the brewing process firsthand, adding an interactive element to their experience.
  • The Underdark Expeditions' Board: As the tavern became a meeting point for adventurers and miners departing for the Underdark, those in need erected a large bulletin board near the entrance. Here, travelers can post notices seeking companions for their expeditions, exchange valuable information, or announce their recent discoveries. This board has become a vital hub for networking and planning amongst the adventurers frequenting The Bearded Lady.
  Through these alterations and thoughtful additions, The Bearded Lady has evolved into an enchanting establishment that not only honors dwarven traditions but also embraces the changing needs and desires of its diverse clientele. Grondar's dedication to improving the tavern's offerings and fostering a sense of community has made it a cherished gem within the bustling city of Umberglow.


The architecture of The Bearded Lady embraces the traditional dwarven style that is prominent throughout Umberglow. The tavern is a prime example of the sturdy, utilitarian, and yet aesthetically pleasing construction typical of dwarven craftsmanship. The walls of The Bearded Lady are constructed primarily from durable stone, hewn from the deep mines of Umberglow's Iron Quarter. The use of stone not only adds to the tavern's resilience but also ensures it stands the test of time. The stone walls are carefully chiseled and polished, showcasing the remarkable precision and artistry of the dwarven masons.   The exterior of the tavern is adorned with ornate stone carvings, depicting scenes from dwarven mythology, heroic tales, and symbols of prosperity and good fortune. Each carving is meticulously crafted and carries the touch of the dwarven artisan's pride in their work.   Inside, the tavern's decor continues the theme of dwarven craftsmanship. Elaborate wooden beams and pillars, carved with intricate patterns and runes, support the high-ceilinged hall. Rich tapestries, displaying scenes of grand battles and magnificent caverns, hang from the walls, adding a touch of color to the otherwise stone-dominated interior.   One striking feature of The Bearded Lady is the central stone hearth, masterfully sculpted to resemble a magnificent dwarven forge. The hearth is adorned with representations of ancestral heroes and dwarven deities, evoking a sense of reverence and respect for the dwarven heritage.   In Umberglow, it is customary for dwarves to adorn their structures with elaborate stone carvings, fine metalwork, and intricate mosaics. These decorations often narrate the history and accomplishments of the family or business dwelling within, celebrating the dwarven legacy and fostering a sense of unity and pride among the community.


The history of The Bearded Lady tavern traces back to the skilled hands of Dura Stonebeard, a renowned dwarven architect and entrepreneur. Centuries ago, during the height of Umberglow's growth, Dura envisioned a place where miners, explorers, and workers departing or returning from the Underdark could find respite and camaraderie.   With unwavering determination, Dura set out to bring her vision to life, and after years of tireless labor, The Bearded Lady finally opened its doors. Named in honor of the proud dwarven heritage, the tavern quickly became a beloved establishment, attracting patrons from all walks of life with its hearty food, flavorful ales, and warm hospitality.   Throughout the centuries, The Bearded Lady has stood steadfast through both joyous and turbulent times. It weathered the storm of the Great War, where it served as a sanctuary for the displaced and wounded dwarves, offering them solace amidst the chaos. The tavern became a beacon of hope and unity during those dark days, symbolizing the strength and resilience of the dwarven community.   Over the years, The Bearded Lady has witnessed countless stories unfold within its walls, becoming a treasure trove of memories, laughter, and friendship. Each corner holds tales of adventurers who embarked on perilous quests, brave miners who unearthed hidden treasures, and weary travelers who found solace in its warm embrace.   Today, The Bearded Lady remains a cherished establishment, still owned and operated by the descendants of Dura Stonebeard. Its legacy endures as a gathering place where dwarves and other races forge lasting bonds over shared experiences and the simple pleasure of good company.
Founding Date
234 B.W
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

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