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The Rock of Bral

In the vast expanse of the Astral Sea lies a one-mile-long oblong asteroid known far and wide as The Rock of Bral or "The Rock". This bustling city, nestled within the heart of the Astral Sea, teems with an eclectic mix of traders, rogues, mercenaries, pirates, nobles, and audacious entrepreneurs. It is a place where the outlandish and the daring converge, seeking refuge amidst its chaotic embrace. The Rock's peculiar name derives from a legendary figure of the high seas, Captain Bral, a notorious pirate whose ambitions knew no bounds. Unfazed by the rumors of "haunted space," he sought a secure hideout to stash his ill-gotten gains. The Rock's cavernous interior and abundant air and water proved ideal for concealing his treasured loot.   In this extraordinary realm, the notion of law enforcement is sporadic at best, and order remains an elusive concept. Amidst the perpetual ebb and flow of its diverse inhabitants, two principles reign supreme: mind your own business whenever possible, and in the face of any challenge, gold is the universal answer.


The Rock of Bral is a vibrant tapestry woven from a myriad of races and beings, each contributing their unique flavor to the bustling city in the Astral Sea. Among its diverse denizens, humans are the most populous, drawn by the promise of adventure, wealth, and the allure of uncharted horizons. Elves grace the Rock with their ethereal presence, their keen senses and mystical talents adding an air of mystery to the city's streets. Dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and resilience, forge a niche within the city, their skilled hands shaping the intricate trade networks that sustain The Rock's bustling economy. Among the many peculiar visitors, the giff, a race of anthropomorphic hippopotamuses, add a dash of military prowess and mercenary fervor to the mix.   From the far-flung reaches of the multiverse, the hadozee, agile simian-like beings, lend their acrobatic skills and resourcefulness to the Rock's ever-changing landscape. Plasmoids, shapeshifting beings born from the stuff of the Astral Sea, contribute their enigmatic presence, ever adapting and flowing with the tides of intrigue.   Not to be overlooked are the thri-keen, insectoid creatures with a sharp mind and quicker wit, who find purpose in the bustling atmosphere of trade and opportunity. Alongside these diverse races, halflings bring their charm and luck to the city, ever resourceful and often found making themselves at home in the nooks and crannies of The Rock.   Amidst this vibrant congregation of beings, each with their own goals and aspirations, The Rock of Bral thrives as a melting pot of cultures, where opportunity and danger abound, and where those with the fortitude to navigate its complexities can find both fortune and peril in equal measure.


The governance of The Rock of Bral is overseen by Prince Andru and the Bralian court, a system that navigates the delicate balance between order and lawlessness. While general lawlessness pervades much of the city, the absence of a formal city watch means that most citizens are expected to police themselves. Tavernkeepers hire burly individuals to maintain order, and market vendors rely on their own vigilance to deter shoplifters. Within this seemingly chaotic setting, the Underbarons of Bral wield considerable power, orchestrating racketeering and extortion beneath the city's tranquil surface. Shopkeepers pay "insurance" to various thieves' guilds, and captains seeking to transport illicit cargo find assistance from these influential figures.   For more serious offenses like arson, citizens can voluntarily report to one of the city's three magistrates, each presiding over the Low City, Middle City, and High City, respectively. If the magistrates determine the situation warrants their attention, the Magistrate's Watch is dispatched to investigate and apprehend offenders, if necessary.   However, many choose not to report crimes, as legal proceedings can be time-consuming, leaving the city's streets both a refuge for those seeking a semblance of freedom and a labyrinth of illicit activities woven into the fabric of Bralian life.


The city of Bral, sprawling across the topside of The Rock, is divided into distinct districts, each catering to different aspects of life. On the trailing edge stands the regal High City, dominated by the majestic royal palace of Starhaven, noble estates, and the serene Lake Bral. Sloping down from there, we find the bustling Middle City, the economic heart of Bral, housing the vibrant Dwarven district, the revered Temple district, and the lively Festival Grounds. At the leading edge of The Rock lies the Low City, a vibrant area populated by the working class and businesses they frequent. Here, we encounter the charming Burrows, an enclave of halflings, and Gifftown. Visitors to Bral often disembark at the Low City's bustling docks.   Underneath the city, however, lies the restricted and off-limits Underside, housing Bral's military forces and vast fields used to grow crops to sustain the populace. Here, convicted criminals tend to the crops under guard.   Amidst this intricate landscape, the interior of The Rock conceals a labyrinthine network of caverns and tunnels, fashioned by pirates and smugglers. Within this dungeon, one of the powerful Underbarons of Bral holds sway, utilizing it for clandestine meetings and discreet operations.


The history of The Rock of Bral, shrouded in tales of ancient races and mystical origins, is as enigmatic as the vast Wildspace itself. The current inhabitants of The Rock have only inhabited it for a fraction of its storied past. Legends whisper of an elder race symbolized by a three-petalled flower, and the presence of illithid and beholder artifacts deep within the caverns beneath the surface only adds to the intrigue. In more recent times, The Rock earned its name from the notorious pirate, Captain Bral, who sought a secure hideout to stash his looted treasure. Establishing the pirate refuge, he attracted an assortment of rogues, traders, and thrill-seekers, leading to the growth of a lively settlement.   Over the years, the city changed hands and rulers, with Captain Cozar, a clever and ambitious man, securing lordship over The Rock. He skillfully quelled tensions between pirates and merchants, transforming the lawless haven into a more structured city. His son, Frun, focused on expansion and engineering, leaving behind impressive fortresses, while his descendants, Calar and Andru, grappled with maintaining the legacy of the royal house of Cozar.   Under Prince Andru's rule, Bral's military strength has grown, and law and order have been gradually restored to the city. Amidst political intrigues and challenges, Prince Andru stands as a serious and intelligent leader, navigating the maze of interests to maintain his strong base of support and lead The Rock into a new era.
Founding Date
792 P.W
Alternative Name(s)
The Rock
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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