
According to Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Campestris are "happy-go-lucky" mushroom beings. They are easily distracted by music, though they have no ability to discern the quality.

Similar to Kenku, Campestris have no language of their own, instead imitating what they hear.

After practicing a song or monologue 3 or 4 times, they can remember it forever.

Any omnivore or herbivore is considered a natural predator.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Campestris prefer to live in environments with salty soil.

Dietary Needs and Habits

According to Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Campestries eat salty soil, filter out the salt, and "excrete a slippery paste of purified soil (stripped of things nourishing to fungi, of course)."


The salty soil in their diet causes Campestris to taste salty, creating a natural defense (Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
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Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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