Razorgrass Plains

The Razorgrass Plains are wide and open. It's very Spring-like in this part of the Feywild. The majority of the plants are Razorgrass.

Due to the dangers of traversing an area full of Razorgrass, there are not many creatures that choose to live here. You can occassionally find a hardy Earth-type elemental that has slipped through a crack in the planes. No one is quite sure where the portal is, and most of the neighboring fey don't feel it is worth the effort to seek it out and shut it down. They just deal with the interlopers as needed.


Source: Gimble's Guide to the Feywild from the DM's Guild

Razorgrass sways easily in the breeze. When it does, creatures caught inside the grass must succeed on a DC 13 Dex save or take 1D6 slashing damage for each adjacent square of razorgrass.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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