Red Cap

Wild Beyond the Witchlight, pg 240

Redcap CR: 3

Small fey, typically chaotic evil
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 45 6d6+24
Speed: 25 ft.


18 +4


13 +1


18 +4


10 +0


12 +1


9 -1

Skills: Athletics +6, Perception +3
Senses: darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 13
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Challenge Rating: 3 ( 700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Iron Boots The redcap has disadvantage on Dex Checks (including stealth)
Outsize Strength While grappling, the redcap is considered to be medium. Also, weilding heavy weapons does not cause disadvantage on attack roles.


Multiattack The redcap makes 3 wicked sickle attacks.
Wicked Sickle Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit 9 2d4+4 slashing damage
Ironbound Pursuit The redcap moves up to its speed to a creature it can see and kicks it with its iron boots. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Dex save or take 20 3d10+4 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.


Redcaps are driven by bloodlust and a taste for violence.

Usual Tactics

They do not typically opperate in groups, though they will occassionally work for one of the more bloodthirsty denizens of the Feywild.

"To sustain its unnatural existance, a redcap must soak its hat in the fresh blood of its victims." - Wild Beyond the Witchlight, 240

"A redcap is a homicidal creature born of blood lust. Redcaps, although small, have formidable strength, which they use to hunt and kill without reservation or regret." - Wild Beyond the Witchlight, 240

Redcaps look like undersized gnomes with gnarled bodies and weathered faces. They typically have a hunched back and are very lean. They always wear a blood-soaked red cap, havy iron boods, and a heavy blade - often a sickle.

Suggested Environments

Redcaps are rarely found outside the Feywild. If they are, there is typically a Fey crossing nearby.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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