
The Sahuagin that inhabit the waters of the Feywild are similar to those found in the Prime Material Plane. They are vicious, bloodthirsty creatures bent on domination beneath the seas. Sahuagin are mortal enemies of the sea elves, and they extend that enmity to the elves, eladrin, and fey that inhabit the surface world.

Basic Information


The Sahuagin are a warrior culture. Class structure is determined by strength and warrior might. A male Sahuagin often rises to take control of a community. When he ascends to that level of power, he often grows a second set of arms, further strengthening his position.


As a species, the Sahuagin are prone to genetic mutation. One kind of mutation is the Malenti. These are Sahuagin who are visually much more like their Sea Elves enemies. Often Malenti Sahuagin are trained as spies and infiltrators.


The Sahuagin worship a shark diety by the name of Sekolah. A select few female Sahuagin are deemed worthy of channeling his spirit, and serve as priestesses for the community. These females tend to hold a significant amount of power in their communties.

A malenti priestess
Sahuagin can be found anywere there is deep water. In the Feywild, they most often make landfall near Sea Devil Cove. On occassion, they follow the rivers up to Curses Mirror Lake.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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