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Mithtari Zethis

Mithtari Zethis (a.k.a. Mith)

Mithtari Zethis (Mith) To most, tieflings are harbingers of disaster in and of themselves. To let them gather together or hold power in society is unthinkable. As a result, many live as loners. Others live in nomadic enclaves, and they limit how much time they stay in any given place. To avoid drawing attention, these groups also keep their numbers to a minimum.   Mith comes from your average tiefling tribe–or at least average when it comes to infernal proclivities and mischief. Each individual plays their part, and despite their transient existence the tribes folk have a range of experiences in different trades. This is thanks to the fact that young adults leave the safety of the enclave to go out on their own, learn their way in life, and then return to rejoin the group. Those who do not and show no sign of having found a new enclave to call home are assumed dead or worse–involved with all of the underground, blackmarket things that tieflings are associated with by outsiders.   Those who travel with the enclave permanently are older adults, elders, and of course children. For some reason or other, as decided centuries ago by elders whose knowledge is only passed down in stories, having children does not mean that one gets to stay behind in the enclave. They still must go out and master their own trades, perhaps in some attempt to show the world that their kind are not always portents for catastrophe. So, children stay with Teachers, who care for them and instruct them on the ways of life.   As an adolescent Mith struggled to find one productive trade that she enjoyed and instead spent most days fooling around, chasing lizards and tossing axes at trees. This didn’t really bother her, because so long as she could make her own fun she’d get by. Things took a turn, though, when one young woman (Fera) returned to the tribe, bringing with her knowledge of shooting arrows, spinning swords (for practical and entertaining reasons), and detaining fey. Obviously she quickly became Mith’s favorite. For the next several years of her early adulthood, she followed in her mentor's footsteps, questioning nothing about her experience with fey, and always listening quietly with reverence and naivety. When it was her time to leave the enclave to start her Expedition as all others had, Mith was confident that she was strong enough to struggle against the world alone. Well, maybe. Baby steps. (Spoiler alert: no, she’s not. You’re level 3, secretly keep a lizard in your pocket, and if anyone harms a scale on his tiny head you will–I don’t know, do something!)   Mith thought her Expedition Date would be as “uneventful” as they all are. Eating, drinking, raucous singing and fire dancing. But instead of being given the world to explore: she received a mission that she never wanted. Ain’t that just the way when you are the only adult available with weapons, a means to use them, and plenty of free time. Emphasis on the free time. The month leading up to her departure, it started to become obvious that something was amiss in the kindergarten. Adolescents were unable to conjure fire for the first time despite coming of age. Children who could now speak and go out on night forages claimed that they needed a torch to see their way in the dark. Just days before, a new baby was born unusually cold for tiefling standards. Is it magic? A curse? An epigenetic disaster? Both? All Mith knows is that she doesn’t know jack shit about any of that, but she sure as hell needs to find somebody who does.   Also she has a home stone. ET Stone Home.

A tiefling ranger from a nomadic tribe. She accidentally stumbles into the Fey Wilds from the Material Plane.

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Chaotic Neutral
She/her pronouns
Dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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