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Healer's Kit Dependency

A character can't spend any Hit Dice after finishing a short rest unless someone expends one use of a healer's kit to bandage and treat the character's wounds. There is no limit to the amount of hit dice a character can use once one use of a healer's kit has been consumed. If the character using the healer's kit (not the character being healed) has the healer feat, you can reroll the die if it rolls a 1, and you must use the new roll. A character can use a healer's kit on itself.
For example, if Jinn wants to heal during a short rest, Evagria must expend one use of her healer's kit. Once that is done Jinn rolls six of his hit dice to regain full health. If Dane also wishes to heal, Evagria must expend one more use of her healer's kit. Dane then uses two hit dice to regain some of his health. Since Dane rolled a one and Evagria has the healer feat, Dane is allowed to reroll and must use the new roll, which is a three.


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