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Great Wounds

When receiving damage equal to or greater than 50% of your maximum health (rounded up) you are afflicted with a great wound. Upon receiving a great wound, on its next turn a creature can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its next turn. The creature must then make a DC 13 CON saving throw and on a failure, it receives a lingering injury.

Lingering Injuries

While damage normally leaves no lingering effects, a creature sustains a lingering injury under the following circumstances:

  • When it drops to 0 hit points but isn't killed outright
  • When it is afflicted with a great wound and fails its CON save.
To determine the nature of the injury, roll on the Lingering Injuries table. This table assumes a typical humanoid physiology, but you can adapt the results for creatures with different body types.

2D8 Likelihood Lingering Injury Effect
2 1.56% Broken Arm/Hand You can no longer hold anything with two hands, and you can hold only a single object at a time. The injury heals if you receive magical healing of 3rd level or higher during a short or long rest, or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting.
3 3.13% Broken Ribs Whenever you attempt an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your action and can't use reactions until the start of your next turn. The injury heals if you receive magical healing of 3rd level or higher or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting.
4 4.69% Damaged Eye You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on ranged attack rolls. Your passive perception is reduced by 5. Magical healing or a long rest can remove this condition. If you receive this injury a second time before it can be healed, you are blind until healed.
5 6.25% Concussion A blow to the head makes it very difficult to concentrate due to a constant throbbing. Intelligence Checks and Saving throws are made with disadvantage. When concentrating on a spell you must make a DC 10 CON saving throw at the end of each of your turns or you lose concentration. You do not need to make this saving throw if you are forced to make a concentration check by other means during your turn. The concussion ends with a DC 12 CON saving throw at the end of a long rest. If three days pass without success the concussion fades naturally.
6 7.81% Contusion Major bruising causes your melee attacks to be made at disadvantage. The injury heals after 5 days or if you spend two days doing nothing but resting. Magical healing also heals the injury.
7 9.38% Sprained Wrist You can no longer hold anything with two hands, and you can hold only a single object at a time. The injury heals after you complete a long rest or if you receive magical healing of 2nd level or higher (including lesser restoration).
8 10.94% Minor Scar The scar doesn't have any adverse effect. Magical healing can remove the scar if you choose.
9 12.50% Limp Your speed on foot is reduced by 5 feet. You must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw after using the Dash action. If you fail the save, you fall prone. Completing a long rest or receiving magical healing removes the limp.
10 10.94% Bruised Ribs You can use an action or a bonus action on your turn, but not both. Your movement speed is reduced by 10. The injury is healed when you take a long rest or receive magical healing of second level or higher (including lesser restoration).
11 9.38% Sprained Ankle Your speed on foot is halved, and you fall prone after using the Dash action. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to balance and Dexterity saving throws. The injury heals after a long rest or with magical healing of second level or higher (including lesser restoration).
12 7.81% Festering Wound For every 24 hours the wound persists, roll one of your hit die and reduce your hit point maximum by the result. If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. The wound heals if you receive magical healing of second level or higher (including lesser restoration). Alternatively, someone can tend to the wound and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check once every 24 hours. After five successes, the wound heals.
13 6.25% Internal Injury Whenever you attempt an action in combat, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your action and can't use reactions until the start of your next turn. The injury heals if you receive magical healing of second level or higher (including lesser restoration) or if you spend seven days doing nothing but resting.
14 4.69% Horrible Scar You are disfigured to the extent that the wound can't be easily concealed. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Magical healing of 5th level or higher, such as greater restoration, removes the scar.
15 3.13% Broken Leg/Foot Your speed on foot is halved, and you must use a cane or crutch to move. You fall prone after using the Dash action. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to balance and Dexterity saving throws. The injury heals if you receive magical healing of 3rd level or higher during a short or long rest, or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting.
16 1.56% Open Wound You lose 1 hit point every round at the start of your turn and make death saving throws at disadvantage. You are able to temporarily stop the bleeding with one of the following: a DC15 medicine check, expending one use of a healer's kit, or receiving magical healing of first level. You must make a DC 13 CON saving throw if you take the attack action or receive damage, and on a failure the wound is reopened (spellcasting is less strenuous and will not reopen the wound). The injury will heal after completing a Long Rest or if you receive magical healing of second level or higher.


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