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New Actions

Defensive Strike: When wielding a melee weapon you are proficient with you may use your action to make one attack against an opponent within range. On a hit you roll damage as normal and then reduce it by half (rounded down) before applying any weakness or resistances. Regardless of hitting or missing your attack, all attacks directed at you are made at disadvantage and Dexterity saving throws you are forced to make are made with advantage until the start of your next turn.

  Distracting Shot: When wielding a weapon with the ranged or thrown properties that you are proficient with you may use your action to make one ranged attack against an opponent within range. On a hit you roll damage as normal and then reduce it by half (rounded down) before applying any weakness or resistances. Regardless of hitting or missing your attack, all attacks made by the target of your Distracting Shot are made with disadvantage until the start of your next turn. In the event of a critical miss causing you to hit an ally, the original target of the attack is still the one to suffer the effects of the distracting shot.


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