Adventures in Greyhawk CY600 - 16 June Session Report Report in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Adventures in Greyhawk CY600 - 16 June Session Report

General Summary

With the help of Philibert Gammidge and his dog Beku (who spoke to the party), the inscription on the bridge was translated and it was determined the silver bloom, moon’s light to hold, was a flower and the Child of Earth might be an insect. He suggested checking at the Druid’s Hall for the flower and with the Royal Explorer’s Chapter House for a zoologist to help identify the insect.
  The party went to the Druid Hall and met Sylvaris Greenshade, a druid specializing in Botany, who believes the Chekitwan Lily is the silver bloom in question. It is found in the Blood Bay region of the Amedio Jungle. The lily only grows in soil found there and only blooms once a year on Richfest 4, when both Luna and Celene (Oerth’s two moons) are in full moon phase.
  The party then made a side trip to a farm in Maldurnanhel, where they purchased two goats and met Tim the Wizard Lizard, who joined the party.
  It was evening by the time the party reached the Azure Goat, so they ventured to the Royal Explorer’s Chapter House the next morning. There, they met a zoologist named Magnus Thornwald, who was able to determine the Child of Earth was actually the Hevaklha River Cricket, which is only found in the Amedio Jungle, along the Havekla River.
  The party spent the days leading up to Growfest training the goats and looking for odd jobs. Sal Darovar met the party with his cargo on Growfest 1 and transferred the cargo to the Azure Goat. The party decided to stay in town for Growfest. The party celebrated Growfest, with Jebeddo drinking particularly large quantities of various alcohols, while managing to not disappear or land in jail.
  The party received an invitation from Drawmij on Growfest 4 and they met with him at the Blue Keep on Growfest 5. Drawmij asked the party to retrieve two Suel Binders (orbs that contain trapped Genie Princes) from a sunken ship west of the Olman Isles. This ship is owned by Rary the Traitor, an infamous former member of the Circle of Eight. The party agreed to undertake this mission and decided to set out for the Amedio Jungle after they delivered their cargo to Saltmarsh.
  While in Saltmarsh, they canceled their appointment with Keledek and got a harness made for one of their goats. They proceeded to the Amedio Jungle on Planting 4 and favorable wind and weather conditions saw them arrive at the mouth of the Havekla River on Planting 12.
  The party traveled upriver in search of their crickets and were successful at capturing five of them. Unfortunately, on the way back to the boat, they were attacked by jaguar creatures and are in the midst of battling them.
Adventures in Greyhawk 600 CY - by Firefall
Report Date
16 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Sylvaris Greenshade
Chekitwan Lily
Tim the Wizard Lizard

by Celestia

Magnus Thornwald
Hevaklha River Cricket
Sal Darovar
The Blue Keep
Jaguar Creatures


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