Blue Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


Blue is a port city that provides the Pomarj with an access point to the rest of the Flanaess. It is the only city left in the Pomarj that has remained predominantly human, due to a large bandit network known as the Kingfishers, who have recently deposed the local government and have instated a dictatorship over the area. Blue provides a large revenue in taxes to the Orcish Empire, which keeps it autonomous and safe from the surrounding orc tribes.


The city is relatively undefended from its western side, with the exception of stone walls with battlements. However, there is talk of a growing fleet of warships being built by the shipyards.

Industry & Trade

Blue is a port city that provides the Pomarj with an access point to the rest of the Flanaess. It is the only city left in the Pomarj that has remained predominantly human, due to a large bandit network known as the Kingfishers, who have recently deposed the local government and have instated a dictatorship over the area. Blue provides a large revenue in taxes to the Orcish Empire, which keeps it autonomous and safe from the surrounding orc tribes.


The original founding of the city of Blue has been lost to antiquity, but there certainly was human settlement here by Flannae tribesmen before the time of the great migrations of the Suel and Oeridians following the Twin Cataclysms over a thousand years ago. Settlement of the Pomarj by the Suel was swift, and they established many small fiefdoms and made the local Flannae their subjects. These holdings were ostensibly vassal states to the Prince of Ulek, who was himself a vassal to the Kingdom of Keoland. When the Ulek states broke away from Keoland, the Suel nobles wasted no time in declaring their own independence from the Prince of Ulek. By the time Baron Erkin declared himself King of the Drachensgrabs in the early-400's CY, Blue was a small but growing port town which had been a power center for the strongly independent Suel nobility of the eastern reaches of the peninsula. The Hateful Wars of 498-510 CY, in which the combined forces of the men, dwarves, elves and gnomes drove the evil humanoids from the Lortmil Mountains was the impetus behind the Pomarj later being conquered. The masses of goblins, orcs, gnolls and worse had nowhere else to go, and the petty Suel presented no united front to stop them.   Following the fall of the Pomarj to the humanoid armies in 513 CY, Blue was able to maintain its existence due to the strength of the various mercenary companies and privateers who inhabited the city. It is true that many left for safer locales, but many also stayed and made Blue a refuge free from the laws of more decent nations. Thus, Blue remained a safe port for pirates engaged in commerce raiding and the thriving black market and slave trafficking throughout the early to mid-500's CY.


Blue has high stone walls, though they are cracked and in need of repair. Wood is the most popular material used in construction, though most buildings are utilitarian in craft and are lacking in style.


Blue is built on the edge of the sea, and next to a river that runs past it. It is flanked on the north and south by rugged hills.


  • Blue
Mayor Garron Billowdale   Government
Council of Influence   Established
-1025 CY   Resources
Gold, Silver, Electrum, Gems, Spices, Sugar, Grain, Slaves   Currency
Highlord (pp), Gold Admiral (gp), Bright Ship (sp), Common (cp)   Population
6,300   Demography
Human 90%, Orc 8%, Half-Orc 1%, Other 2%   Languages
Common, Orcish, Goblin   Alignments
CN, CE, N, NE, LE   Religions
Gruumsh, Suel Pantheon   Allies
Obsidian Confederacy   Enemies
Keoland, Ulek, Celene, Onwall, Irongate, Greyhawk

Cover image: by Darlene


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