Gryrax Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


Gryrax is a coastal city on the Bay of Adirole, fed by the River Adirole, which cuts through a province of the same name, and leading into the Azure Sea. The city is on the western coast of a peninsula in the southern most part of The Principality of Ulek, and is a hub for sea trade.


The governance of Gryrax is characterized by a blend of traditional dwarven leadership and a Council representing the various districts and blocks within the city. These include the districts of North, West, South, and East Gryrax, the North Block, Enlightened, Fortress, Amber, and Richford Districts, as well as the Willcrest District. The Low End does not have a district representative on the Council. This Council advises the ruling prince on matters of trade, defense, and public welfare, ensuring the population has a voice in the city's administration.

Industry & Trade

Economically, Gryrax thrives on trade, shipbuilding, and craftsmanship. Its artisans produce highly sought-after goods, from finely crafted weapons and armor to intricate mechanical devices. The port of Gryrax is always bustling with activity, reflecting its enduring role as a major commercial hub.


Gryrax's origins can be traced back to ancient times when the region that is now the Principality of Ulek was predominantly inhabited by various human and non-human tribes. The area around Gryrax, with its strategic location near the coast, became a natural gathering place for traders and settlers.
  The city of Gryrax was officially founded by the dwarves of the Ulek states. These dwarves, known for their exceptional skills in mining, crafting, and engineering, saw the potential of Gryrax as a coastal stronghold and a hub for trade. The city was built with a mix of robust dwarf architecture and local materials, making it both aesthetically pleasing and defensively strong.
  Over the centuries, Gryrax grew from a small settlement into a bustling city. Its location made it a key port in the Azure Sea, facilitating trade between various regions, including the nearby Sheldomar Valley, Keoland, and beyond. Gryrax became known for its shipbuilding industry, craftsmanship, and as a center for the exchange of goods and ideas.
  During the Greyhawk Wars (582-584 CY), Gryrax played a crucial role as a military and logistical hub for the Principality of Ulek. The city provided ships, supplies, and troops to support the war.
  After the Greyhawk Wars, Gryrax focused on enhancing its infrastructure. The city saw an influx of refugees and adventurers, leading to further growth and diversification.
  In the current era, Gryrax remains a vital part of the Principality of Ulek. It is renowned for its shipyards, markets, and vibrant community. The city continues to serve as a crucial link between the landlocked regions of the principality and the ports across the Azure Sea and beyond.
Gryrax Coat of Arms


  • Gryrax
Lord Mayor Gunter Corond   Government
Heraditary Lord Mayor (House Corond), with a City Council consisting of representatives from the ten districts and blocks   Established
-680 CY   Resources
Grain, foodstuffs, silver, gems   Currency
High Crown (pp), Forge (gp), Anvil (ep), Hammer (sp), Common (cp)   Population
27,300   Demography
Human 53%, Dwarf 30% (hill 65%, mountain 35%), Halfling 10% (stout 60%, lightfoot 40%), Elf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Other 1%   Languages
Common, Dwarven, Keolandish, Halfling, Gnome   Alignments
LG, LN, N   Religions
Ulaa, dwarven pantheon, St. Cuthbert, Lydia, Phyton, Fharlanghn, Osprem, Ehlonna, Olidammara, Norebo   Allies
Ulek states, Keoland, Gran March, Verbobonc, Dyvers, Greyhawk, Knights of Luna, Knights of the Watch (weak), Celene (in theory, now hated for isolationism)   Enemies
Pomarj, Empire of Iuz, Obsidian Confederacy

Cover image: by Darlene


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