Hool Marsh Protectorate Organization in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Hool Marsh Protectorate

The Hool Marsh Protectorate is a province of southern Keoland. This difficult terrain is largely unsettled, but has served for centuries to defend Keoland's southern border from invaders.


King Tavish the Great (ruled 287 to 346 CY) marched around this marsh to conquer the lands now known as the Hold of the Sea Princes. In 304 CY he established the fortified city of Westkeep to protect Keoland and its new southern conquests, and set about colonizing the region.   Collapse
The southern regions ultimately fell to the Sea Princes during the reign of Tavish III (ruled 414 to 453 CY), who died in the Siege of Westkeep in 453 CY, attempting to recover the lands. His successor, Tavish IV (ruled 453 to 488 CY), built a series of keeps along the marshes in the 460s CY, but most have since fallen into ruin, with the exception of Bale Keep.   For nearly two centuries thereafter, Keoland's border retreated further north until it reached the Dreadwood.   Recent History
In 590 CY, King Kimbertos Skotti took advantage of internal struggle in the Hold of the Sea Princes to launch an invasion, retaking Westkeep after 137 years. This effectively established the Hool Marsh Protectorate as within Keoland's domain, although few humans live in the marshes.
His Peerless Majesty, the King of Keoland, Kimbertos Skotti   Government:
Military dictatorship under royal authority   Established:
590 CY   Capital:
Westkeep   Currency:
Keoland Standard Griffon (pp), Lion (gp), Eagle (ep), Hawk (sp), Sparrow (cp)   Population:
25,000 — Human 55%, Lizardfolk 20%, Bullywug 10%, Dwarf 2%, Halfling 6%, Gnome 3%, Elf 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%   Languages:
Common, Elven, Gnomish, Keolandish, Halfling

Cover image: by Darlene


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