Longbridge Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


Longbridge is one of the few free ports remaining in Onnwal and is essential to its continuation. Because of this, its stone walls are guarded by many soldiers who keep a tight ship within the limits of the town. Longbridge is home to workers of wood and stone, who keep the walls and roads in good shape, and keep the docks and ships repaired. It is currently the home of the Iron fleet, the navy of the Iron League. Prior to the fall of Scant, Longbridge was a sleepy little port city with a population of around 3,000. It has seen its population swell considerably, and is now the biggest port in Onnwal and the current capital.   The city makes a good deal off of trade from afar, but makes its fair share too from wooden and stone crafts. While the town easily supplies things made of wood and stone for themselves, food can be hard to come by, due to the increased violence in the area, and grain and other foods are often shipped from nearby countries. Accordingly, merchants bringing foodstuffs into the port of Longridge can usually get a better price for their cargo than other ports in the immediate area.


Construction on the Port of Longbridge began in 124 CY, after a strong vein of platinum was discovered near what is now the town of Fallnos. This enabled quicker transportation of the metals using the Fallnos River to the port of Longbridge. In the 400 years since, the port saw little expansion until the fall of Scant. Since that time, Longbridge has almost quadrupled in size, and has seen its importance rise as the Merchant’s Guild and Mariner’s Guild have established Longbridge as their primary base of operations in Onnwal.  
Longbridge Coat of Arms
Mayor Jango Veston   Government
City Council made up of the district leaders, militia head, and guild leaders. The City Council votes one of their own as Mayor for a term of three years.   Established
124 CY   Resources
Fish, stone, wood, silver.   Currency
Sea Eagle (pp), Gull (gp), Wader (ep), Goose (sp), Duck (cp)   Population
11,500   Demography
Human 79%, Dwarf 9% (hill), Gnome 5%, Halfling 3%, Elf 2%, Other 2%   Languages
Common, Dwarven, Gnomish   Alignments
LG, LN, N, CG, CN   Religions
Osprem, Zilchus, Procan, Norebo, Xerbo, Jascar, Fortubo   Allies
Irongate, Sunndi, Nyrond, Duchy of Urnst, Greyhawk   Enemies
Obsidian Confederacy, Lordship of the Isles, Pomarj, Ahlissa

Cover image: by Darlene


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