Obsidian Confederacy Organization in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Obsidian Confederacy


The Obsidian Confederacy is a shadowy coalition of countries bordering the Azure Sea, formed during the tumultuous Greyhawk Wars. While publicly presented as a strategic alliance for mutual defense and economic cooperation, the Confederacy is exploiting the widespread practices of slavery and piracy among its member nations to bolster its power and influence.

Member Nations

The Obsidian Confederacy includes several key territories, each with its own unique contributions and dark practices:  
  • Sasserine: A major port city known for its vibrant markets and powerful merchant guilds, specializing in slaves and contraband.
  • Hold of the Sea Princes: A realm notorious for its rampant piracy and flourishing slave trade.
  • The Principality of Naerie: A coastal region with a strong military presence and a history of internal strife.
  • Various Cities in the Olman Islands: These cities are hubs of piracy and slaving.
  • Settlements in the Amedio Jungle, Tilvanot Peninsula, and Hepmonaland: Isolated yet rich in resources, these settlements are exploited for both their natural wealth and their captive labor force.

  • Formation and Purpose

    The Obsidian Confederacy was forged in the midst of the Greyhawk Wars, ostensibly to provide a united front against external threats and to stabilize the region’s economy.   The stated objectives of the Confederacy are:   1. Mutual Defense: Member nations pledge to support each other in times of war, ensuring collective security.   2. Economic Cooperation: Enhancing trade and stabilizing economies through mutual agreements.   3. Strategic Collaboration: Coordinating military and naval strategies to counter common threats.

    Leadership and Structure

    The Obsidian Confederacy is governed by the Council of Obsidian, composed of representatives from each member nation.
    The Confederacy’s military forces are coordinated by the Supreme Admiral. Currently, Supreme Admiral Karlos Stygian of the Hold of the Sea Princes holds this position, known for his ruthless enforcement of the Confederacy’s will and his tactical acumen.

    Notable Events and Achievements

  • The Slave Routes: Establishment of secret slave routes through Naerie and the Amedio Jungle, funneling captives to markets controlled by the Confederacy.
  • Piracy of the Azure Sea: Organized piracy operations by the Hold of the Sea Princes and the Olman Islands, disrupting rival nations' trade and enriching the Confederacy.
  • Impact and Legacy

    The formation of the Obsidian Confederacy has had a profound and dark impact on the Azure Sea region. While it presents a façade of unity and cooperation, the practices of slavery and piracy have flourished under the Confederacy’s banner, casting a shadow over the region’s prosperity and stability.
      The Confederacy continues to be a powerful, if corrupt, force in the region. Those who dare to oppose the Confederacy often find themselves outmatched by its ruthless efficiency and the Confederacy's pervasive reach. Anyone sailing or venturing into their areas run the risk of having their ships taken from them and their crews and themselves sold into slavery.

    Break the rules and you will suffer. Follow the rules and you will suffer less.

    Obsidian Confederacy Coat of Arms
    by AI - prompted by Firefall
    Alternative Names
    The Confederacy


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