Sasserine, Lands of Organization in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Sasserine, Lands of

Sasserine is located at the westernmost edge of the Amedio jungle, nestled in a sheltered harbor. Most travelers come to Sasserine via ship, as overland routes are fraught with peril. From the sea, Sasserine isn't much to look at; two ragged cliffs of stone jut from the coastline, their faces home to seahawks and gulls, but little else. Then, a vast rent in the cliffs slides into view, its summit crowned by the shattered remnants of immense stone bridge. Sailing between the solely eroding stone pylons that once supported the bridge above, a visitor passes from open sea into a thriving harbor of commerce, wailing, and intrigue. Certainly the smell of the city is breathtaking; a tremendous rot of exotic spices, smoke, humanity, and sewage that assaults the senses. Perfumes and scented candles are popular commodities in Sasserine.


The city of Sasserine is a mix of oligarchy and representative democracy, in which the people are allowed to originate proposals and vote on them, with passing resolutions sent to the Dawn Council, which then decides whether or not to enact them. The council itself is composed of noble representatives, one from each district in the city.

Judicial Branch

Law and order are for the most part relaxed in the town (partly owing to a reaction against the somewhat harsh rule of the Sea Princes), and only the more egregious crimes such as murder and theft are actively pursued. Prostitution and the sale of exotic and potentially dangerous creatures goes on more or less legally within the city limits (although the exact lassitude varies from district to district), for instance.


Sasserine was founded in -124 CY by a group of pilgrims led by a priestess of Wee Jas named Sasserine, who was inspired to found the town after receiving a vision. Not much is known about the early times of the city outside of Sasserine's death in a battle with a marauding black dragon named Zelkarune. However, after her death, the town gradually grew and expanded until it encompassed not merely the area inside the city walls, but a number of farming plantations lying on the outskirts. The success of the city made it a target for raids from pirates as well as attempts of subversion by early Obsidia Confederacy agents, which the city would first encounter in 30 CY.   After a time, a family named Teraknian, descended from Sasserine's lover, began to rule predominantly over the city as lord mayors, taking advice from the clergy of Wee Jas and Kord. In 480, Orren Teraknian, the last of the lord mayors, began a reign of terror, and launched a persecution of the church of Wee Jas in the city. Orren was deposed soon after after the city was conquered by the Sea Princes. The Princes kept the existence of Sasserine a secret from the rest of the Flanaess to prevent the city from being taken from them. The subjugation would last for a century, until the Sea Princes were forced to let go of Sasserine due to internal turmoil in their own lands as a result of the Greyhawk Wars. The city is still recovering from its century-long domination and isolation.

Demography and Population

As of 596 CY, The city of Sasserine totalled 26,000, with over three-quarters of the population being human. There is a small but sizable population of half-elves and halflings, with the rest of the population composed of minor amounts of dwarves, gnomes, elves, and other races.


Sasserine lays on the coast of the Amedio Jungle, very close to the Hellfurnaces mountain range, and about 20 miles north of Cauldron. Its nearest neighbor across Jeklea Bay is the Hold of the Sea Princes. Sasserine is built on a series of islands which make water travel through the town a vital link for intra-city trade, much like in the real-world city of Venice.   The climate is generally tropical, with high (but not unbearably so) temperatures and high humidity.


Each of the different districts in the city holds a different patron deity, in particular: Wee Jas in the Noble District, Kord in the Champion's District, Saint Cuthbert in the Cudgel District, Fharlanghn in the Merchant's District, Olidammara (under an alias) in Shadowshore, and a syncretic religion composed of the worshippers of sea gods Procan, Xerbo, and Osprem in the Azure District. Gwynharwyf also has a secretive temple in the city. Religious toleration is prevalent throughout Sasserine, although the churches of Wee Jas and Kord are in a state of cold war that has persisted since the persecution of the Jasadin by Orrin Teraknian.
Sasserine Coat of Arms
The Lord Mayor Grao Zanidai   Government
Lord Mayor elected by Dawn Council   Established
-124 CY   Resources
Grain, Foodstuffs, Slaves   Currency
Highlord (pp), Gold Admiral (gp), Bright Ship (sp), Common (cp)   Population
26,000   Demography
Human 79%, Halfling 8%, Halfling 4%, Dwarf 3%, Elf 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%, Other 2%   Languages
Amedi, Common, Halfling, Olman, Suel,   Alignments
CN, CE, N, NE, LE   Religions
Fharlanghn, Gwynharwyf, Kord, Norebo, Olidammara, Olman pantheon, Osprem, Procan, St. Cuthbert, Xerbo, Wee Jas   Allies
Obsidian Confederacy, Olman Isles   Enemies
Amedio Jungle natives, Hold of the Sea Princes
by Pena Negra

Cover image: by Anna B. Meyer


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