Sharkfin Bridge Building / Landmark in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Sharkfin Bridge

This single large bridge spans the river, with shops and homes along its length. The bridge predates the village and is large enough for laden carts to pass two abreast. Elves and fey folk get violently ill when they cross the bridge, owing to an ancient curse placed on it long before Saltmarsh rose to existence. The below inscription is chiseled in Suel beneath the bridge:
  Olve who dare these stones to cross,
Shall know the bile and bitter loss.
Curse laid by ancient decree,
Until the moon embraces thee.
To lift this heavy, woeful blight,
Three tasks complete by moon's soft light:
A tear of joy from druid old,
A silver bloom, moon's light to hold,
And last a song of peace and mirth,
Sung heartfelt by a child of earth.
Complete these deeds and set them here,
Upon the bridge, where moonlight's near.
Only then shall curse abate,
Ending sickness, ending hate.
Sharkfin Bridge

Cover image: by Mike Schley


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