Cicero Darsun Character in First campaign | World Anvil
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Cicero Darsun

Duke Cicero Justus Darsun

Is the ruler of the Duchy of the Icecapped Crags, head House Darsun , custodian of the Icecrag Passes.  


Handsome face with severe, sullen features. Signs of malnutrition and sleep deprivation. Wears dark robes, fine clothes, and a silver ducal circlet. Wields the Dynast's Goathead Cane.


Cicero aims to destroy the gods and divide their divinity over all mortals in the Prime Material Plane.

Handsome duke, master wizard and head of House Darsun within the Trinity of the Orchard, Cicero Darsun is creating monsters with the occult purpose of murdering the gods. He is the party's current nemesis.

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Looks to be in his fifties
Year of Death
1 2A
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