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Hybrid species in our world

Obviously, pretty much all of the species in our world are an intentionally bred hybrid species. Why did mole people do it? Well, as you already know, everyone, the people, the plant and the animals had to adapt to a new way of life during and after the apocalypse. So most of these species were bred for a specific purpose, to make them better adapted and more efficient in their new environment. Partly this was also done because, well, when you have to rescue the whole world's worth of animal species, at some point it’s just easier to create hybrids and have to save only 50 different species, rather than 100.

But we’re not here to get too deep into that today. We’re here to take a closer look at one of these species. Today, we’ll talk a little bit about geep. These are basically goat-sheep hybrids that are today most commonly found as farm animals in Fairy Gardens.

Why were they created?

We could talk about the different characteristics of goats and sheep, about the wool or milk quality and so on, but who really knows? It’s probably just better and easier to have a small herd of geep on your farm that comes in handy, no matter if you need a goat or a sheep.

What kinds of breeds are there?

Well we already know that geep are a hybrid of a goat and a sheep, but, what kind of a goat and a sheep? Back in the day goats and sheep both had a whole bunch of different types on their own, so which ones were chosen? The answer is, obviously, a lot of them. As with pretty much everything else, the ancient people tried breeding and mixing different kinds of goats with different kinds of sheep, to see which one would work out the best. And what they came up with was actually a pretty wide range of goat-sheep breeds that seemed to be pretty successful.

So today, you actually have a lot of different geep breeds, that range all the way from more goat-like, to more sheep like, just depending on what the owners need or prefer.

So what do they do?

As already said, there’s a lot of different geep breeds out there, so they all are bred for different purposes. However the main reasons why people keep them are for wool and milk. Generally, the more sheep-like species are bred for wool, and the more goat-like ones are bred for milk, but generally most of them are used for both, that’s kinda the whole point here. I mean not that you couldn’t just have regular sheep and keep them for wool and milk either way, but if you try too hard with questioning the logic of anything that happens in our world we all are gonna have a really bad time.

In rare cases in some parts of Fairy Gardens and Ä+*4~, some people even keep the mini breeds as pets, but even then they usually do it to get some milk or wool out of them. There’s nothing like getting a fresh glass of milk from your own mini geep in the morning UwU.

Plus, you know, they eat grass so they’ll mow your lawn for free basically, so why wouldn’t you wanna have a geep or two living in your backyard?


Care for geep is actually pretty easy. People who own them should have a good space with lots of grass near their house to let the geep out to eat some grass and frolic around and poop in nature, as geep like to do. Overnight or in bad weather you just let them into a barn on your property, and that’s pretty much it, they know how to take care of themselves.

Of course, you should always spend some quality time with them and make sure they’re happy and healthy, on of course, regularly milk them and shear their wool.


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Aug 18, 2024 20:37

Allthough this article has no pictures and might not be styled the most creative way, the idea behind it is amazing. I would really love to learn about more of those bred animals. How does someone come up with such an idea? Also, the way the article is written is just entertaining and so different from most others. Really interesting to read!

Aug 22, 2024 10:49 by Timothy Van Allan

I'll get around to adding pictures and stuff, there's no rush :P