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Glitter Satan

As people of our world know, the world is governed by two gods: Glitter God and Satan. Glitter God is known as the benevolent creator god, the one in charge of Ä+*4~, and Satanis mainly known as his counterpart - as the evil one.

But, is that really so? Is Satan as evil as people believe him to be, or is he just misunderstood?

Who is Satan?

First, we have to ask ourselves who Satan really is? He is one of the gods who used to live in the divine realm, together with other gods. Even then, he was always considered to be a prankster and really more of a nuisance to other gods. While other gods were either good or evil, Stan was really mostly just annoying. While other gods did whatever they did to their own world and people, Satan seemed to always try to start some petty drama with other gods. Well, most of them at least. There was another god, one who didn’t take himself as seriously as most others, and was kinda amused by Satan’s antics. This god was GLitter God. This was probably one of the main reasons why the two became friends, and later even fell in love and married each other. As they got married, Satan took on the full name Glitter Satan.

But their relationship wasn’t always easy. Satan always stuck to his prankster ways, to the point of frequently annoying even Glitter God himself. To make peace with each other, they decided to each take one half of their world to govern. So, Glitter God took Ä+*4~, leaving Satan mostly in charge of T@Ö#Ä3. Though they each have their own part of the world, they still take care of the whole world together.

So what is it that Satan actually does?

So, Satan actually is a god, just as important as Glitter God. He’s often seen as evil by people, but that’s not really exactly the truth. As already said, he’s more of a prankster god, the one who just likes to have fun and not worry too much about the consequences of his actions. He sees the world as his playground, and the people as toys to play with. He works as the antagonist to Glitter God, the one who brings excitement and chaos into the world, that would otherwise be too perfect and boring, as he believes.

But of course, what Satan sees as an interesting prank to bring some excitement into the world, the people may see as a natural disaster, a disease, a catastrophe of some kind. See, this is exactly the type of stuff that makes people believe he is evil.

But Satan isn’t all bad. Well, depending on who you are. He’s the one people turn to when they themselves are up to no good. Look, if you’re gonna rob a bank you’re not gonna tell Glitter God, you’ll tell Satan and hope he likes your plan. Which isn’t a guarantee either. So there you go, Satan is chaotic and dealing with him is risky business either way. But without him, our world might really just become too perfect and boring, who knows.



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