Golden Tree Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Golden Tree


Golden trees can be found only in Heaven, which may only be accessed by fairies and Glitter God himself. For this reason, to many these trees are more of a distant mythical mystery, though they are in fact quite real, and more present in people’s everyday lives as one might think.


As the name suggests, these trees are golden. But not only in color, they actually are made of solid gold. The trunk, the branches, the leaves, it’s all gold. The only part not made of gold are pink blossoms that grow on the tree’s branches.



Though these trees are growing only far away from the world of regular people, they can be used for many things in our world. Main resource that can be obtained from these trees is, obviously, gold. Fairies here chip away at tree trunks, chipping off small bits of gold that can be sold on to different artisans across the world. They use gold mainly to make jewelry, but also other things, such as golden bald mermaid trophies or other awards, it’s quite useful in the making of electronics as well.


Golden leaves of the trees in particular are used to make money. The leaves are harvested and collected, and taken to the money production facilities that are also located in heaven. Here, they are melted down and made into gold paper and coins of various sizes and values. These are then distributed to people.


The pink blossoms are a bit different though. They have medicinal properties, but may quickly turn toxic if not used properly. The fairies here will harvest and collect those and take them down to herbal gardens, where they can be used for medicine. Not all fairies have the purest intentions though. Some may sell these forward or use themselves to make different drugs or poisons.
Particularly popular is Pink Flower Drink that is mildly toxic but many are willing to test their fate and drink small quantities of it. It’s effect may vary depending on how much you drank, but you are well advised to stop as soon as you hear the voice of Glitter God. No, it’s not actually Glitter God talking to you, this is only a poison induced hallucination.


Being closely related to people’s ideas of Heaven, it’s no surprise that golden trees are also an important religious symbol. They symbolize all material things in the world and wealth that are considered to be just as important as one’s spiritual wealth. For this reason, golden tree pendants worn around one’s neck are a popular religious symbol many like to wear. This is especially popular in Rich Area of Ä+*4~, no surprise there.

There also were people who tried to plant coins in the ground in an attempt to grow their own golden tree but come on, it’s a tree made of solid gold, it’s not gonna just grow in regular ground in the normal world. Well ok it’s not a very “normal” world, but this is not the time to get into this can of worms.

Golden Tree in comics


Average Height
Up to 6m

Cover image: by tim-in-a-box


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