Paper Pushers of Head Fairy Central Profession in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Paper Pushers of Head Fairy Central

It’s been well established that head Fairies don’t actually do much of anything. They hang out, chit chat, drink fancy cocktails, walk around the hallways to look busy and occasionally sign important papers. But who is doing the actual work in the Head Fairy Central buildings? These are the humble and underappreciated paper pushers. They get really busy pushing around those official documents, though to be sure, even they don’t do that much work.

How much power do they have?

They are the ones who do actual work around here and make all of the important decisions on what does or doesn’t need to be done. Of course, when a matter turns out to be important enough it gets handed over to the head fairies to deal with, but they don’t like to be bothered with every single minor thing. Because of this, you could say that these paper pushers are the ones who really hold the power in our world.

It’s also worth noting that it’s tradition for children to do the same jobs as their parents, so many of these paper pushers actually come from the long lines of paper pushers; they’re like whole royal families if you think about it. Except they don’t get all of the attention and drama, they work in the background and the head fairy gets all the blame if anything goes wrong. They have a pretty good thing going here if you think about it.

So what do they do?

They do.. pretty much everything. From teens who only started working to older workers with many years of experience, they run the whole Head Fairy Central. There is a lot of paper to be pushed around - from one end of the desk to the other, sometimes it even needs to be carried to another desk or a cabinet. People who have been here for a while might get bored with just pushing papers around, and might actually read some of them. They are more likely to notice if any of these documents seems important. If they do, they hand it over to the more experienced workers who read the documents again, and even make decisions about what to do with the received information. If the documents seem really super important, they might carry them all the way to the head fairy’s office, where the head fairy will have to make a real decision about the matter at hand.

If the matter is of a great enough importance, it will get handed over to the next head fairy. Head fairy of district will hand it over to the head fairy of region, and head fairy of region will hand it over to head fairy of area. At some point some of these fairies will sign the paper, and send it right back to get archived. This is another job for the paper pushers.

They also mustn’t forget about all the other vital tasks of their jobs, just as chit-chatting by the water cooler, making various notes on papers, sticking on post-its, writing silly jokes on them, and carrying them to their colleagues to have a good laugh.

Working alongside fairies like this means that the pay is pretty good too.

How do you get this job?

By now you may suspect it already, but this job overall seems like a pretty fun time, and many people would like to get in on it. Alas, it’s one of the hardest jobs to get. Mainly only children of the people already working here will get this job, and it’s nearly impossible to get in if you aren’t a family member of someone working there.


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