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What Happens In Wasteland...

…stays in Wasteland. Now, we already know that wasteland mainly consists of these small settlements where people live out in the wilderness, cut off from the modern world, society and all of the comfort that civilization provides. Many of these are actually used as a refuge from the stress of the modern world, and many of the people here are actually drug addicts or criminals, trying to turn their lives around. But even most of these settlements will be very reluctant to take in just any drug addict or a criminal. These settlements are based on complete mutual trust and respect, and you can’t have any untrustworthy people living here. You gotta have a friend, family, or someone who knows you well enough to vouch for you, and you have to be familiar with the people living here before you finally move in, so it’s actually pretty hard to get in - only the people with truly pure intentions can get in.

What is this place?

But, what’s this? Pure intentions? Here in T@Ö#Ä3? In the Wasteland of T@Ö#Ä3? Surely that can’t be right. These areas of East T@Ö#Ä3 especially are riddled with people who have sketchy intentions at best, and are really only trying to escape justice for a while, before they can go back to the city and their old ways. So, where do these people go?

Well don’t worry about it, there is at least one settlement here in Wasteland, even more cut off from society, completely unmarked on any map, and even more lawless than the rest of the Wasteland or East T@Ö#Ä3. One of these is this settlement, called “Whatever happens in Wasteland…”. It's the most distant and best hidden settlment here, even better hidden than the bat people's. Those are at least marked on their own map, but "Whatever happens in Wasteland..." is actually known to not actually stay in pne place - due to the nature of these settlements it's easy to pack everything and move around the Wasteland when needed.

Yeah, this settlement is basically just a criminal organization. Everyone here is just a criminal of some or another kind, just to take refuge from the hand of justice and pass some time before they feel like it would be safe to come back out again. Like many of the settlements here, this one as well has connections to the people outside, who bring in all sorts of (stolen) supplies that people here need. It would probably be deemed the most dangerous place in our world, if anyone actually knew where it was. You might get scammed out of your belongings in other Wasteland settlements, but here you’ll definitely get robbed.

How do you get there?

But, if you are actually one of the criminals trying to escape to a safe place (well, safe for “you” at least), how do you get here? Well, this is one of those things where, if you even know about it, you already know too much. The kind of people who might actually want or need to come here, are the kind of people who already know about it and have the connections needed to get here, and everyone else is safer not knowing anyhting. Ironically, as dangerous as it might be for a rando to stumble across this settlement, it’s actually the safest place in the world if you want to escape justice. Probably not even Glitter God or the Agents know about this place, or where exactly it is. Satan surely does and surely this place is under his protection, making it as safe as it is. Well, I mean, the kind of safe where you killed someone and you wanna be safe from having to go to jail, or, you know, the noise chamber. It’s definitely better being out here than in the noise chamber.

Camp, Temporary


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