Ars Border Patrol

The Ars Border Patrol, known colloquially as "The Goats," maintains the Ars anti-summoning barrier, controls the city gates, and patrols the city's walls.   The humorous name of "Goats" descends from the spirit known (via his false name) as Goat, the original architect of the barrier. He often transformed into a goat or incorporated various goat-like features into his more humanoid forms, and many of the border patrol followed his example. A stylized goat hoofprint even found its way into the unit's official badges of office.





The border guard who patrol the walls carry tridents--for crowd control--and whistles--to alert other members of the patrol to trouble.   The border guard who maintain the barrier are known to carry etching rods, salt (in protective containers to avoid burning the demon), hammers, and a veritable alchemist's shop full of flasks and potions, but they are very secretive about the processes (and thus the equipment) used for maintaining the barrier.


Tridents are the iconic weaponry of the border patrol. They are usually forged of iron, though ceremonial versions in gold and other precious metals are not unknown. The central tine is usually considerably longer than the outer tines. The wielder's rank is indicated via colored ribbons that hang down from just below the trident's three tines.   Border patrol officers are trained to fight with both the tined and the blunt ends of the trident, depending on need. They typically use the long reach the weapons provide to avoid getting in close with the unruly, but they are also known to disarm their opponents by trapping their sword between the tines of the trident and flipping it out of their hands.


All officers begin with a decade on wall patrol, even those with specialized skillsets that allow them to interact with the barrier. This is believed to "toughen up" the new recruits and provide at least a veneer of democracy within the organization. Officers gradually move their way up after their initial decade of service, being assigned to one of the more specialized corps who do their own training.



The Ars Border Patrol is volunteer only, for one simple reason: the job involves spending substantial time outside the protective barrier. Its recruits tend to be among the most aggressive of Ars' demonic citizens, and it is rumored that former members of the Burners are highly prized recruits. Unlike other branches of the Ars City Guard, only demonic spirits are allowed to serve as border patrol officers due to concerns that the liquor industry or other antagonistic forces would send spies who could eventually take down the barrier.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Used by

Cover image: by ButNoCigar
Character flag image: by ButNoCigar


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Aug 11, 2024 03:33 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the use of tridents as a weapon! It's something I don't see very often.

Aug 12, 2024 04:50 by Sam

Thanks! It seemed to fit both the demonic theme and the practical needs of people dealing with large crowds.