
"They say the hierophants are holy birds, but that's a load of zotz. My cuz stepped on one of their robes in the street, and the very next day what does the temple say 'The Gods' need? His cows. Pipe that--not just any cows but his cows. Specific. That's a chisel if I ever saw one."
- Alfred "Mugsy" Hooper, to journalist Penny Landy, from the New Chester Penitentiary
  Hierophants are the translators of divine desire--they declare what sacrifices must be made to create a vault crystal and open a portal to that other dimension. They also personally lead sacrificial rites, though they might delegate one of the many trivial sacrifice and crystal creation rituals to a promising Hierogrammat.



Each of the four godly orders ordains Hierophants. Hierophant candidates have, in almost all cases, been a Hierogrammat to an existing Hierophant. Candidates must be able to enter a divining trance, which requires meditation and inhaling specially prepared incense.

Payment & Reimbursement

Hierophants receive a tithe of whatever materials they personally set as necessary for the creation of a crystal. This means they are often involved in trade or have arrangements with merchants, as they are unlikely to be able to personally consume all the sacrificed materials.

Other Benefits

After the Playful Orders became the dominant religious practice across Flimflam, Hierophants gained significant social prestige and--should they choose to pursue it--political influence.



Hierophants are a crucial link in the process of vault hunting. They, for all intents and purposes, construct the vault crystals that allow passage into the vault dimension. Without them, no portals could be opened, and the society would have no access to the many resources vaults provide, no matter how many Vault Hunters they had.   Hierophants also conduct most of the sacrificial rites, which gives them the opportunity to speak to the public on a regular basis. They generally use this time to expound on the virtues of their deity and spread morality within the populace.

Social Status

Hierophants are some of the highest status members of society. They walk the line between being respected, for their connection to the divine, and feared, for anything they declare must be sacrificed in order to form a vault crystal will be summarily seized by local authorities.



Ceremonial robes


Blessed incense, typically made from olefiant grasses



Provided Services

Hierogrammats, who transcribe the words they say in their oracular trances Pages, or specially designated Initiates, who take care of the Hierophants' day-to-day needs like laundry or cleaning

Dangers & Hazards

Oracular trances are quite hard on the mind and body--fainting is not unknown and more than a few deaths have occurred while under divine influence. If the Hierophant chooses to involve themselves in politics, they invite other dangers.
Alternative Names
Staple for societies that allow entering vaults
Other Associated professions
Ranks & Titles

Cover image: by ButNoCigar


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