
The Seekers are an odd combination of scientists and the Father's most devout, who believe that The Father's divine realm exists but simply hasn't been discovered yet. They seek to open a way to "Heaven" so as to restore the faith of the masses.


The Seekers are a loosely organized coalition of two halves: Academics and clerics from the Priesthood of the Father. They correspond regularly about new results or ideas and come together once a year in Dorado for a mini-conference and dinner.

Public Agenda

The Seekers are determined to find another dimension, much like the Vault, that is at least connected to The Father--ideally His home.    They believe that doing so will restore the newly skeptical masses' faith and draw worshippers away from the Playful Orders. And get their academic members tenure.

Cosmological Views

"The Father exists. It therefore follows that His divine throne exists. I propose we find it."
-Dr. Ignatius Qarran, in a letter to Son Kenelm
The Seekers draw their understanding of the world equally from physics and from the sacred literature of The Father. Physics tells them that dimensional planes must have certain characteristics, like mass and spatiality. The sacred texts tell them that The Father exists in a "heaven" where He sits on a massive throne and observes Humans in their dimensional plane. He judges them upon death and either admits them to His heavenly dimension or banishes them to a "hell." Like the Priesthood of the Father, Seekers believe that Demonic Spirits originated from such a hell dimension and have invaded our world--thus their persecution and enslavement by the liquor industry is just, even if they discourage the faithful from over-indulgence in The Demon Drink.

Tenets of Faith

  1. The Father is real.
  2. The Father is sovereign.
  3. Heaven exists.
  4. The Playful Pantheon are extremely dangerous, extremely evolved Demonic Spirits.


On the surface, Seekers are sober, responsible Academics and clergymen. In private, however, members' views on what is appropriate action to steer people away from the Playful Pantheon and to handle Demons vary widely.    Some contribute research or obscure texts to the liquor industry to improve their summoning, binding, and distilling techniques; others would decry this distraction from the search for heaven. Recently, some Vault Hunters have reported "accidents" while exploring Vaults that they claim were caused by humans equipped with strange technology. The Seekers loudly decry such research and attendant violence. But you have to wonder...

Deus et Veritas (God and Truth)

Research, Council
Parent Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by ButNoCigar
Character flag image: by ButNoCigar


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Jul 30, 2024 00:27 by Aster Blackwell

I love this concept. The merging of science, magic, and religion... it's awesome and I haven't seen anything like it before!

Jul 30, 2024 01:55 by Sam
