Esterson Session 23

Big Noggin the Carved Paths

General Summary

I don’t like how this is going, especially if we’re in need of the Thomter’s assistance. I cannot deny their expertise with the Averse despite the fact they were molded by it. It is why they will be leading us to where this telepathic secret weapon is.

According to them, it will take us to the Carved Paths. Those are old pathways used during the Incursion. Such a festering maze is full of demons and other festering creatures. We will want General Lenhall’s aid for this because I doubt Vicarion will want to lose his precious monstrosity.

— Evantil

The Queen’s Gambit

Time in the Estate

On arriving to the City of Ridgewater, the party noticed that many of the Dukes and Duchesses were assembling in Dulnmoor Manor, which is Duke Wester’s estate. With the approval of Albert Mayhew, the party was let inside.

The party then caught up with Remus Starner about what to expect and what was going on. In truth, the Ardentian nobles were mainly gathering to assess Queen Dundragon supporting Dulnmoor as it has taken serious carnage with the loss of Direson.

Meeting the Nobles


Tekeree, the avian Duke of Kalaura, took interest in the party and wanted to meet Esterson Hall. He was pleased to introduce himself and wondered about their adventures.

He wondered about Johan after Albert Mayhew mentioned the fiasco to him but nothing concrete was really divulged.


Maedhros sought out and introduced himself to Shakar, Duke of Hulstead. This stoic behemoth of a goliath humbly welcomed him and was interested to see what would become of Maedhros’ future career paths. Also, he gave a subtle inkling of his disapproval for the Queen’s current status.


Maedhros met with Daralna, who was a free spirited stout and is the Duchess of Kalgarim. She was happy to meet with Maedhros and even slipped it to him as she was leaving. Altor had to take it and was quite surprised how good it was.

Adresille and Friends

Trying to console Duke Wester of Dulnmoor, Duchess Adresille of Haliah and Duke Tekeree were there with him. Adresille became curious about Maedhros’ prospects as a courtier and wondered if she ought to take him into account for how she thinks. Namely, her thought process being a grand big-picture approach with her governance and handling of things.

The Queen’s Time

Meeting Amelia

Amelia was found writing a terrible and illegible speech on parchment. Too many editing errors were present and both Maedhros and Altor assured her majesty that speaking from the heart and addressing what the people needed most.

Inspired, Sidresk creeped from behind to Maedhros and scoffed at the notion of her being set right.

Stepping up to the balcony, a fair amount of applause and cheers ring out from the citizens as Amelia steps into view. She is rightfully nervous seeing the masses look up to her while stepping into the bright sunny day. Emulon assures her, “All is well.”

That’s when it hits her. She looks at the terrible script she wrote. With a reluctant sigh, she throws it behind her. Many of the lords gasp at the sight, “You’re right, Emulon. All is well. All will be well.” She steps up fully to the balcony, seeing the crowd’s anxious demeanors. She finally begins.

“Dulner’s of Ardentry, it is self-evident that things look terrible but you may laugh at me when I say that all is well. Refugees from Direson need help, a cruel vician seeks to become a champion of the Bleak, and many wounded among us need tending. How could all be well, you may wonder? The answer is simple. They are all around us! They come from a faraway land of hope and benevolence. These kind beings are even willing to sacrifice themselves for our mortal souls, even guide them to their realm of splendor in the afterlife! All is well!”

“You may doubt the caels’ understanding of us mortals but their hearts are sincere in their aid. Because what does Maledict have? Vicians! Creatures that crawled out of a cesspit called Inferna. These miserable wretches laugh and scorn at not only us, but their fellow demons! As we suffer, ache, and groan, they grin with sadistic glee. But a cael has compassion. They will lift you up whether you like it or not because they want us to flourish.”

”So I want you to look around and see the many caels among us. So long as the Everlight eternally glows, we are not alone in this fight against Maledict! All is well! For every inflicted wound, do not flinch. For every loss that is taken, do not fret. For even your own passing, why should you fear? The caels want to take care of us! All is well!”

The luxian from Direson begins to glow a majestic light as the crowd roars with cheers

Astonished and surprised, Sidresk pulled away and dissipated. Amelia then invited Maedhros to stand beside. And in that moment, it seemed as if both Lurren and Evendur Dundragon stood with their own.

After Party

In the end, the party met with General Lenhall on how the party plans to confront the “Big Noggin.” The plan that was made official was for the core of the army to go in and draw out Vicarion’s main defenders and act as a diversion. This would allow the party to go in and disrupt the Big Noggin as elite defenders would be the main issue.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Albert Mayhew
  • Remus Starner
  • Duke Tekeree
  • Duke Shakar
  • Duchess Daralna
  • Duchess Adresille
  • Duke Wester
  • Amelia Dundragon

First Draft of Amelia’s Script

Stepping up to the balcony, a fair amount of applause and cheers ring out from the citizens as Amelia steps into view. She is rightfully nervous seeing the masses look up to her while stepping into the bright sunny day. Emulon assures her, “All is well.”

That’s when it hits her. She looks at the terrible script she wrote. With a reluctant sigh, she throws it behind her. Many of the lords gasp at the sight, “You’re right, Emulon. All is well. All will be well.” She steps up fully to the balcony, seeing the crowd’s anxious demeanors. She finally begins.

“Dulners of Ardentry, know this: All is well. After seeing the refugees from Direson come here, you probably scoff at the idea. Countless casualties, countless people in need of aid, and countless people who have lost their home! But look around you. Look to those who are still alive. Look at the masses who have gathered around! This is evidence alone that Direson’s light still shines! All is well!

Laugh at the idea if you want but that’s what Sidresk wants. He would want you to just roll over and give in to the despair. He will try funneling your vision to concentrate on your misery. So look around once again! Look to those still alive! Look to those still counting on you. Because the enemy wins when we rollover into easy submission. So I want you all to look at that creep in the eyes and tell him that, “all is well!

”For every loss, for every grievous pain, grit your teeth as you trudge through the darkness that all is well! So long as the Everlight shall eternally glow, all is well! For when you finally slay his worthless welps, all is well! And when we all can settle in peaceful days, you can truly believe that all is well.”

The crowd applauds and cheers, as they ring out, “All is well!”

Esterson Session Reports

Cobwebs of Esterson Hall
Neutral Fallen Aasimar (Inheritor)
Sorcerer 2
Cleric 1
16 / 16 HP
Johann Fogwood
None Custom Lineage (Folk Hero)
Rogue 3
21 / 21 HP
Darwin the Life Cleric
None Variant Human (Folk Hero)
Cleric 3
24 / 24 HP
Chaotic Good High Elf (Far Traveler)
Battlemaster Fighter 4
31 / 31 HP
Report Date
07 Nov 2022


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