Haunting of Blackrot Session 1

Beginnings in Blackrot

General Summary

We begin with the oddity that are the mists that have enveloped you. How long it was the case is uncertain. Some of you may be familiar with this nightmarish existence, but for the others, you may find the rest of your eternity here. No matter how hard you dig to find answers as to why you are here, it doesn’t make sense. From one place that was a familiar comfort, to another of uncertain fate.

In the end, it does not matter…

When the mists finally disperse, you stand alone and see what crude imitation of a whitened sun shines through a foggy forest of twisted trees. The air is still and chilly despite being outdoors. There is certainly some form of stale stench that permeates around the region.

Ahead of you is a trail to a village not too far away. You can barely see the inhabitants within it gathered around. Although, there are paths less taken you can see that lead to the forest. What occurs next is up to you…

Our Party

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Beginnings in Blackrot

The party begins by wandering through the wretched lands of Blackrot. Abbott and Yohgrï head to the village while Clovis and Henrietta head into the forest along the path.

The Village

Approaching the squalid village, you see there are a handful of eerily hideous icons gathered around one small humanoid with a tiny wooden mask on his face as he plays pitifully on a violin. Each stroke with the bow grates the ears as he tries to play a tune long forgotten.

Here, Abbott and Yohgrï met with the Mother, the Hunter, the Farmer, and the Bard as the main residents of the Village. Mother, as the leader over the Villager, advised the two of them to head for the cabin when night falls as there is no room for them in the village.

Before they left, Mother gave them two Liquified Tree Flesh bottles in the hopes it helps them survive. For at night, wretches come lurking out at night seeking to devour any weak survivors.

Liquified Tree Flesh

As an action to drink this potion, the creature gains 2d4+2 temporary hit points. While the temporary hit points are active, the creature’s features and skin are grown over with pieces of hideous decayed bark.

The Forest

So, boldly into the forest you go. The trees with their branches hiss as a simple gust of wind blows through. A few leaves trickle down from the simple nudge. It’s unsettling with the lack of wildlife. The only thing that roams up in the trees are decrepit birds the size of small dogs. Even then, you see a few of these things devouring a grotesque corpse on the side of the path.

Straight forward through a cluster of trees, you see a hut in the distance with strange fungal and viney growths on the side of its pathway. A strange crone of sorts with a bulbous head draws her hand to harvest swaths of dangling plants into a cluster. She then turns to stride her way back inside. Not before she uproots a shroom then creaking the door shut.

What quickly draws your attention next is a wretched and gaunt humanoid creature panting and growling as it moves to another humanoid wearing a thick overcoat with a puffed up collar, perhaps a Forester with all the cut marks on the nearby trees. With a swing of an axe, there is a sickening crack as the wretch topples over easily.

Another wretch comes running out but instead of looking at the Forester, its gaze turns to you. Just as it goes to pounce, the Forester cleaves the wretch’s shoulder off. Panting in the silence, the Forester’s soft and weary eyes look to you for a moment before walking off to collect a piece of a fallen log.

The Forester

Clovis met with the Forester and followed the giant mute to his squalid hut. There, the Forester showed Clovis how to craft and recharge a potent handaxe utilizing the strange dark magic within wretches. After that, he showed Clovis how to survive when the sun down goes down through gestures.

Unsure of what was to come, the Forester followed Clovis to the distant cabin.

The Crone

Henrietta wound up with the Crone. She explained to Henrietta that danger is afoot when night falls and that she was the perfect individual to refer to about questions. The Crone explained that at nightfall, wretches come lurking to feed on stray survivors often in a pack of weaklings or one lone twisted monster. Another key factor was the darkness. Foul things emanate within the dark and only light would keep the nightmares from emerging through it.

The Crone pointed her to head for the cabin in the distance. As a means of helping her survive, she provided Henrietta with a lantern that glows with a white flame.

The Cabin

The cabin ahead is nothing big. It’s still sizable but is easily overcome by the heights of the towering trees around it. The last light of day slowly dims along its outer walls. One better be swift before what lurks during the night comes out.

As you make your way, you spot others head there as well. This time, however, these people are not decrepit in appearance. Instead, they’re something more normal like yourself. Well, meet your new party.

The party came together as one and diligently made preparations for the night by lighting up rooms and ensuring barricades were put in place. After that, it was all waiting and sitting out what was to come…

Shadows of Blackrot

Sitting or standing has never been more uneasy. The only sound is the small burn of a flame or the subtle hum from a light spell. The trees do not hiss, there are no crickets in their nightly ritual, nor do the birds make their presence known with flapping wings.

Breaking the silence are occasional whispers from outside. You can hear something scratch a simple line along the wooden boards on the outside.

“How can you forget?”

“The false forest beckons.”

“Why does the blood fester?”

“The Ancient shall never rest.”

The party held their ground and ignored what shadows lurked outside or scared them off.

Wretches Come Out

As the night progresses, you can hear a small crowd trudge their way closer to the cabin. Their breathing is clearly sickened with irregular breaths as they occasionally gag. The dry soil crunch as they get even closer.

You can hear one stumble to the dirt. Their voices are clear in fear.

“I’ll make it! I am not weak!” The first voice pleads.

“The Hunter made its mark. Worry not. You will suffice!”

You then hear an ungodly agonized scream as sounds of bone are ripped and the delivering of a blunt beating as the howls of pain are quickly silenced. The ravages of meat being devoured are all that remain for a brief moment before their footsteps creep closer after that.

With time, the party heard the bumbling horde test the walls of the cabin. The wretches stubbornly tried windows but couldn’t make their way in. So, they used one of their own as a battering ram to the front door to force their way in. The party managed to dispatch the horde with a nasty surprise.

The Reaper

Just as it seems the chaos would reach fever pitch, there’s an odd ripple that permeates around the area. It’s a strange chill but one you can tell silenced the wretches that sprawl lifeless around you.

A gentle voice from outside calls out, “Your fate is not theirs this day…”

The Reaper, named Triste, deals with what remains of the wretch hordes in the distance. She then approached the party.

You need only know that I am a guide that can only hope to get you back home someday. In order to find your way out of these domains, you must light beacons. They will be guarded and I advise you to find strength and allies by looking beyond these mists.”

She then reveals a skull and provides it to you, “I provide a key to one such domain, one I believe should suffice for your first venture. Prevail, and I shall grant multiple keys to others. Find the monster huntress, she will be the best help against this great evil.

Triste answers what questions the party has such as explaining the domains. She then sees them off into venturing through the mists.


The Bridge

Through the mists, you can hear distant bells as a simple dirt path leads you onward. Evidently, there are horse hoofprints that have come and gone along this path. Eventually the shroud dissipates away to reveal a river and a bridge over it. Ahead you can see two soldiers in uniform pacing back and forth as they look in your direction. How you approach next is up to you.

Clovis took the lead in talking with the two guards, even handing one of them a fine wine as a bribery to get across. Curious, the soldiers let the party go across and turn a blind eye.

Rumors and Knowledge

The party goes about town, finding out about the following details…

The Cardinal

Divinterre is ruled by the cold Cardinal Octavian Couteau. He has enforced a strict prohibition law to help ensure vices do not corrupt the Divinters. He also has a strong dislike for the Venezians and the use of magic. He is a Cardinal of the Silverran religion.

Misty Rider?

The party has heard only a bit of the Misty Rider. They know someone is brought to this infamous icon every once and awhile.

Valencians and Venezians

The culture clash of Valencians and Venezians is an issue. With the strong insistence from Cardinal Couteau, the Divinters believe the Venezians to be riddled in sin and vice. At best, Venezians are tolerated with their presence in town but at worst, there are clear signs of abuse from the Divinters.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Survived a night in Blackrot
  • Arrived to Divinterre

Character(s) interacted with

  • The Mother, the Bard, the Hunter, and the Farmer
  • The Crone
  • The Forester
  • Triste
  • Ambrose Moreau, Cidre Fils owner
Adventures in the Florenic Worlds
Report Date
13 Mar 2023


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