Haunting of Blackrot Session 21

Libraries and Revolutionaries

General Summary

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Developments in the Camp

We continue at nightfall with a dream of shadow. Whispers begin to crawl through your skull as a shade paces in a ring around your mind, “So keen to prop open nooks and crannies that are not yours. So distrustful of one who has aided you for so long. What is most disappointing is the literal demon that walks amongst you and that is to be trusted further? Let us see how he likes it!”

Color pours in to paint a picture of Setesk grabbing a dark elf and shoving their head into a strange warbling green crystal. He then pulls him out and tosses the dark elf aside, its face mutated into an asymmetrical mess.

A new scene appears as Setesk bows to the infamous Vicarion, followed by him subjecting roden and Ardentian prisoners to horrific Aversal experiments. The faceless aberrations that plagued the town as a result of careless research was a joyful accident.

Then it all fades away, “But what about your apprentice? That certainly… burned… didn’t it?”

Shapes in the dark begin to form into Setesk and another vician, “He only wanted the lackey as a pawn to possibly help him usurp Vicarion in the far future! You told the young demon you would bestow him the knowledge of the spirits for free but a demon never does things out of the good of their hearts! You handicapped his teaching to ensure you would have the upper hand if he had any ideas. Gavaln did turn against his master, as he researched beyond the Western Wastes, didn’t he?”

The feeling of long claws scratch against your face, tearing away the imagery into silence. Setesk’s voice is heard, “Enough! Back to Etherius for you, spirit!”

All is silent as peace is finally had for the rest of the night.

Abbott’s Aftermath

Yohgrï asked around the camp on who had the dream:

Name Answer
Arnsley Yes
Ezmerelda Yes
The Forester No
Karnell No

Henrietta tried to ask Setesk about possibly happened within Abbott’s wagon during the night but the bruised vician refrained. He insisted that the amount of details in the explanation are dependent on what Abbott reveals. To no avail, the party tried reaching out to Abbott instead. The party struggled but only Clovis could find a means of opening him up a bit once they both sequestered themselves inside the Bag of Holding. They both headed outside once done conversing.

For Abbott and Clovis

After begging and pleading to Abbott to talk, he mentioned that Setesk is keeping Abbott’s mind stabilized. For better or for worse, Clovis tried providing the stuffed unicorn plushie to Abbott but the old man insisted otherwise, finding a sense of purpose and symbolism in Clovis having it instead. They both headed outside once done conversing.


The Forester alerted the party that Karnell was confronting Setesk. The vician was silent and didn’t answer. Only when Abbott explained his approval of what Setesk had been up to was it enough to calm Karnell’s nerves about the matter.

Thomter Arrival

The Thomter Twins came to the camp and tried to insist to the party that they know of a means to prepare confronting the beacon and leaving the domain. The party caught on that the Twins were merely keen to flea the dreadful place than doing anything with it. Most of the party wasn’t keen on leaving without making their mark on Lumencroft.

To their disappointment, the Thomters thought as much and found two possible icons that have the potential to allow revolution within the city, removing Clarence Bertram. The Twins only hope the party doesn’t come to regret the same reasons why they left their home world of Arturias.

Edelson. Governor Edelson is an old dog who leads the Town of East Harrow. He lived long enough to know the times before the Mists and recalls old Dover traditions and values. His approach to revolution is reform as he believes that the foundations for a prosperous city is present and needs only adjustment. Critics pin him as a softie who is cautious to take on more dangerous actions.

Terthos. The pale tiefling from the Labor District. Like his heritage, he is fiery and full of enmity toward the Lumencroft establishment. Terthos is known to be impulsive and dangerous. His approach is willing to do whatever it takes to burn things down, whether metaphorically or literally. By changing everything, maybe something can be built back on top. Critics point him out as a violent radical who can be aggressive if someone doesn’t align with him.

The Party told the Thomters to have the meeting tomorrow with the revolutionaries. As for the day, the Party would head into the library where research can be done on the Nastirn Era beacon.

Radovan’s Return

Radovan returned to the party. He awarded them 500 florens each for their brave deeds with the roden. The party then traded his wares.

Lumencroft Developments

Prior to entering the city, Yohgrï managed to summon a peryton as a steed after finally transforming Regicide properly.

At the city gates, constables took the place of the attendants. They explained to Abbott and Clovis that a curfew got put in place during the night. Otherwise, they wished them a good time.

Henrietta and Yohgrï, atop his peryton made invisible by Clovis, stepped up. The constables were curious about Yohgrï’s odd “magic” going on but their inquiries got cut short by Abbott using a Hypnotic Pattern spell.

Into the city, locals and other constables still were disturbed by Yohgrï’s odd “floating” and the constables insisted that Yohgrï desist. He complied and had the invisible peryton return back to camp.

We leave off with the party nearing the library.

Adventures in the Florenic Worlds
Report Date
14 Aug 2023


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