Haunting of Blackrot Session 28

Wrapping up Lumencroft

General Summary

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Return to East Harrow

Stepping out into the streets of Lumencroft, it feels as if it’s all one massive fever dream. You would expect the sounds of commotion to be accompanied by the hustle and bustle of people. But that’s what is lacking: people. You can certainly but vaguely feel their presence but it’s all played through the speakers and megaphones.

As soon as you catch on, explosions begin erupting and the voices become panicked or violent toward another. Many are screaming for it to stop. Of course, these are the dread domains. It will never… stop…

Your attention is pulled to the capital building as it becomes overwhelmed with voices. It all breaks down into mayhem as a Waldemar Beck looks on but it goes silent as he turns to face you, “So it all makes sense now. Their orchestration, the absences, and more hope than one would have in these parts. If not for the Dark Powers, our Host would have taken you all in.”

The party had an odd trance moment and had to be pulled out of the city in order to get back to East Harrow. Once they finally return there, they sleep for the day.

Dreaming away, you see yourselves standing at a balcony to look over a ruined city broken down from what mindless fun that can be salvaged from you or your affiliates. Into the room, you see two odd figures adorned in thick robes and beaked masks with glowing yellow eyes. Attending by their side is a pale elf with intricate faint red facial markings, “The ones you were curious about, Madame?” He speaks up.

Glee and curiosity fill your mind when you look at these newcomers, “Perfect. That will be all Tenerian. Go run off for all I care.”

He reluctantly nods his head and walks out.

You grin looking at these strangers, “So, what have here? Care to indulge what is going on?”

The first voice, the Sage, speaks up, “We are directors of the Mournival. We are simple entertainers for a great deal of audiences.”

The other, the Critic, speaks up, “Do not get her hopes up. We only perform for a select few. Now please, let us resume our rehearsals. We expect our audience to be arriving fairly soon.”

Your attention is piqued at first but brush it off, “New arrivals? Hm. Probably more play things for the other three to worry about.”

The Sage nods his head, “Perhaps it is, perhaps it is not. We will continue our productions without any inconveniences to you, and hopefully you won’t be for us.”

The eyes of the Critic glare, “Otherwise not just our production is sullied, but so will your domain!”

You wake up with the flash of those eyes still in mind.

Odded out by yet another peculiar dream, the party sought out Setesk to get answers about who Tenerian is. The vician reached out and saw the elf as someone reluctantly serving masters who care little for him. To Setesk, he believed it possible to sway allegiances if convinced right.

Yoghrï used the Arcanum Infinitum to cast sending to inform (most of) the revolutionary leadership to meet up. However, of one of the three recipients was toward Mayor Bertram instead! Thankfully, it was a simple phrasing of "We need to meet up now."

The party regrouped with the leadership and informed them about the clockwork factory's demise. Mayor Edelson and Zerthos eagerly believed it best to keep up the momentum and head after Bertram if it was the case.

Journey to the Beacon

During the trek to the Beacon, a terrible and malevolent power made its presence known as the mists turned inky black. Clovis was lifted a foot in the air, almost being crushed and hollowed by this force if it wasn't for something intervening. Clovis was let go.

The Host, it must've been, was indulged by answering a question it had. As reward, it offered the party a choice in who the beacon's guardian would be:

  • The Tyrant Mage
  • Scathers or Umbral Hulks
  • The Neglected Fan

  • The party deferred to the Neglected Fan, as Clovis anticipated seeing Timmy after all this time.

    Report Date
    09 Oct 2023


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