Haunting of Blackrot Session 29

Lighting Lumencroft’s Beacon

General Summary

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Lumencroft Finale

Defeating the Guardian

Timmy had returned for Clovis, this time with a cruel and blind vengeance. Having been reminded of the past and be scolded for his strange idolizing of the Fevre family, Timmy became incapacitated. Displeased by this, dark forces extracted Timmy's power and put an (lesser) umbral hulk in his place. The attending scather and hulk were brought down after a tough fight.

Once resolved, Triste was there for the beacon's lighting. However, the Thomter Twins spiced it up a bit through small Paradise orbs also known as energy springs the size of a baseball.

Lighting the Beacon

(2:30): The shining light thrums to life and the smaller radiant orbs ascend alongside it. The problem, however, is the struggle for it all to synchronize. Triste looks over in worry but the Thomters gesture for her to wait.

(2:46): The orbs begin to spiral and revolve around violently, trying to find the best rhythm. Triste again looks over to the Thomters, "It's not going to work!"

Edwin speaks up, "It will! The spirits just need to learn on the spot!"

Everyone looks back at the light anxiously waiting.

(3:07): The orbs appear to forcibly slow down and cause the thrumming to grow stronger as the harmony goes through a trial and error of determining what works. With time, the tension begins to simmer down and you can hear the song of the spirits for what it really is.

(3:29): In amazement, Triste gasps at the wondrous sight and looks to the Twins, "I can't believe it! You did it! You mad scientists actually did it"

Ellen smiles, "Dear Reaper, that is not all. The true reason for our antics is about to be revealed."

Looking back to the light of the beacon, everyone watches in anticipation as the light begins to glow brighter and the mists becoming clearer.

(4:00): The orbs begin to speed up and the voices of spirits ring out louder! Not only is the nearby fog dispersed but so is the dark. Off in the far distance, you can see a glimpse of Arvura's beacon and just further behind it is Divinterre's. With this opening, the singing metastasizes even further to incorporate them. In time, all three beacons harmonize as one as even more spirits venture on to be one with the chorus.

Leaving the Domain

Through the mists, you walk on for a short while. In the far distance down the mountain, you see the city of Lumencroft in all its glory. However, alarms are blaring, crying out the panic at hand. Small pockets of fire erupt in the streets and building windows as they cry out the ash and smoke. Outbursts of explosions make it worse, tearing down a few buildings in its wake. As the swelling gets closer and closer to the center, there's a massive fiery blast that reverberates throughout the region. It's volatile glow lights up the land around you and quickly dims just as it came into being.

The mists blanket you all yet again to unveil the path ahead: Nothing but rubble and ruins. You see the mists turn to ink, knowing that the Host is near. It did not need to do anything. These mortals only brought themselves to ruin. After all they had done, all the work and toiling, did it matter?

You can then feel burdening lift itself off as the mists turn back to its hazy white hue as it clouds around you to a new place elsewhere...

Veinrock Arrival

The Mists split off, taking you into the outskirts of a hollow city. The clouded skies above have aberrant abominations wrigglng like worms in the air as polyps occasionally descend downward or fly back up. Undead are seen roaming the streets, one even aimlessly pounding their head into a wall. Fires that should have burnt out long ago still persist on material that should never be able to combust. A wretched, scratched up sign says, "Welcome to Veinrock."

Into the ruined city of Veinrock, the party found it absolutely ruined. Running amuck in the streets were a great deal of tieflings, undead, and strange aberrant creatures. After chatting with some loitering tieflings, they found that the Ruinous Pact had taken it over long ago.

Ruinous Pact

Leading the Ruinous Pact is Kellistra, Herald of Ruin, up in her grand tower.

Despoiler Aspect Deity
Leuklen Aberrants Ilkrichyurl
Mirmeia Fiends Balgromok
Rasmus Undead Valg

Finding Solace

The party's presence alone was enough to get them into trouble. Kellistra was keen to "play" with the new arrivals as she looked on from the balcony. A handful of the city occupants chased after the party, hoping to please the Herald of Ruin. Through help of Spud shooting a lightning bork, the party got into the city outskirts and in hiding with the wizard dog and his small band of those who resist the Ruiner's occupation of the city.

Rewards Granted

  • Level 7

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Lit the beacon of Lumencroft
  • Arrived in the City of Veinrock
Report Date
16 Oct 2023


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