Haunting of Blackrot Session 6

Search for the Misty Rider

General Summary

Our Party

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Into the Catacombs

As preparation, the party invoked the Arcanum Infinitum. Abbott casted Pass Without Trace while Yohgrï continued to concentrate on Locate Object. The party headed down and first encountered the roden jailer, Skrunch. Henrietta threw a few rocks around to get his attention and bought them time to lockpick the entrance to the catacombs.

Their dark descent took them down to a place where many blether workers maintained the massive underground cemetery. The immediate area was kept in fine condition and all was bright until they traversed deeper down. It’s further down that torches were sparse and few, as well as on their last few cloths. After avoiding Couteau’s clergy in red, they traversed on into the deeper parts where the skull’s presence resided.

Eventually they came across a blether worker whose torch went out. They took him along as a guide through the dark tunnels. He explained that the section upon first entering was for the recently departed. Those who have died ages ago are then transferred to the deeper and messier parts of the catacombs. It’s where they party found the skull of the Misty Rider.

Through Abbott’s terrifying intimidation, the blether certainly wouldn’t reveal whatever they were up to…

Calling the Rider

During the Night…

The party returned to Mirella on that same night of grabbing the skull. Mirella confirmed that it was in fact the one that belonged to her dear Corierro. She also mentioned that the party wasn’t alone. After some odd actions and toying around to disperse what unseen lurker was present, Mirella assured them that it went away.

The party trekked their way up to the forbidden village of Maleou up north beyond the infamous Riverguard bridge.

Down the trail, you find the remains of a shambling village. Countless guards and bodies are found beheaded in the streets. Axes and various weapons are found plunged into the side of buildings or the corpses instead. All that is heard are the rustling leaves and ravens squawking from afar.

However, with it being at night, the mists began to reenact what occurred here so long ago…

A light fog creeps around as the last light of day drains. The mist then takes on the vague shapes of humanoids, roaming around quietly. They jump as the trees begin to rustle, for emerging like a phantom wasn’t the actual headless rider, but one shaped by the fog as it runs past you.

The villagers scattered to their homes, a messenger on horseback was quickly sent south of the road, and the guard rushed in. Bayonets were punctured and shots were fired to no avail. In retaliation, the rider simply lopped off their heads. What you begin to notice are the fallen shadows landing where headless bodies are.

Once the guards are dispatched with ease, the Rider then dismounts to go door to door. The echoes of frightful screams are then swiftly cut out one by one with each until all fell still within the village. The Rider, with all these heads gathered up, then investigates each one, occasionally putting it to its stump. None were to its liking.

It strides back to the horse and rides south for Divinterre.

During that night, some fusiliers came looking around for a runaway Venezian supposedly. They were quick to turn back south once they saw the horrid village in sight.

Trying to catch some sleep, they dreamed of something rather sinister…

Darkness of the night just beyond the bridge is all you dream of. The mists pool over the other side of the crossing but they are not grey and hazy. Inky black is the heart of the center of this dread aura. Vague humanoid shapes glide across the bridge and spill over each other to get across.

The guards at the bridge are unaffected as the entity coils around the light of the lanterns hanging off the post. Yet despite all this, the guards act as if all is quiet.

What wakes you all in a cold sweat is shrill whisper, “Find the gifted.”


Abbott’s Insights

Pulled aside by the Mists, the Shade that haunts Abbott mentioned that the “Gifted” these other shades of the Null its scent but have yet to realize that this gifted is really within the Party’s ranks.


At dawn, the party tried a lot of methods to see if they could invoke the Misty Rider to come out early or even find him in the mists. They briefly returned to the Village back in Blackrot after traversing those mists in hopes of following the tracks but only met the Hunter instead. Clovis even tried invoking the Misty Rider directly through the Mists to find him but instead ended up at the southern end of the border with Piednoir in sight.

Considering the stubbornness of the Misty Rider, the party believed it efficient to handle lighting the beacon as they wait for the Rider’s return.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Recovered the Misty Rider’s skull

Character(s) interacted with

  • Mirella Cavallo
Adventures in the Florenic Worlds
Report Date
17 Apr 2023


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