Haunting of Blackrot Sessions 34-35 Finale

General Summary

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter/Sorcerer
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

A Chase in the Sewers

Clovis is finally encountered within the sewers by Yohgrï. He explains to his lizard friend about how Tastarn was abducted when they were kids and he refused to stoop so low as to steal Rasmus' child. For Yohgrï, he explained that he had a fear of failing and didn't want to lose the current family that he had.

Able to come to terms with his friend, Clovis managed to convince Rasmus into running from the domains now that his child is returned to him, insisting to him about the mistakes that a father makes gets passed down.

The Final Beacon

Reaching the beacon, the party is faced off against the dark lord Strahd himself. Alongside the dark lord is the enraged shade, Abbott's former patron. He had desperately sought the Host's strength to fight them. The party would face off and come out victorious against the two as wretches would flail desperately to stop them from leaving.

Lighting One Last Time

(0:00) With all you have done, this… this is the last moment of silence you will likely ever know before what will be coming for you now. Triste and the others are quick to gather around the beacon, lighting it deftly as the radiant light begins to ascend upward, calling upon the spirits from the domain of Veinrock as a whole.

As the mists back away, you see multitudes of souls crawl and limp toward the only beacon of hope they may have ever known since their deaths long ago at the hands of the Herald and the Ruinous Pact.

(0:43) So many pained expressions melt into relief seeing a safe passage but… when is there ever relief in these cruel Dread Domains that you all have come to know?

(1:08) Such suspicions aren’t wrong. Wretches wail in the distant darkness you cannot see, the trill of scathers cry out their wrath, and you can feel the ground quake from the coming Umbral Hulks. Their numbers are likely countless. The Host refuses to give up so easily.

(1:38)It’s easy to think you’re overwhelmed but you then see the distant lights of other beacons: Divinterre, Arvura, Lumencroft, and even a fourth… Barovia! The tormented spirits rally around in a vast shield wall, all to give one clear message to the Host and Dark Powers, “Enough of this nightmare!”

(2:00) There is a great clash as the departed hold back the Host’s underlings, even a scather is pulled from the skies and dragged through the dirt. But such a victory is short lived with an umbral hulk’s approach, pushing past the expended Veinrock spirits. Its approach halts as it senses something in the distance.

(2:29) Out of nowhere, the spirit of a silver dragon knocks it over like a ragdoll. It roars into the sky as other spectral figures from the domains you have visited sprint for the vast light behind where you stand.

Time has been briefly bought for you. It’s now or never to leave!

Leaving the Nightmare

Abbott and Henri

Abbott and Henri decided to leave the mists together in hopes of starting anew. The real question is what would Abbott find back home? An empty house? Would Abigail be there?

Clovis Fevre

Ever since entering the mists, Clovis could never rest. He sought to go back in and proceed to light more beacons to save the tortured souls.


Yohgrï intended to leave with Clovis but... the Host would not let this party go so easily without consequence. Into the deepest darkness Yohgrï had ever known, would the light ever reach him again?

Side Characters

Ezmerelda D'Avenir

Ezmerelda would go on to traverse the mists and occasionally do so alongside Clovis.

Arnsley Dorian

Nothing made this Inquisitor happier than leaving the mists. With this newfound knowledge of the mists, he would seek to understand this nightmare.


Setesk's leave from his exile meant he could finally begin the steps to enact vengeance against Reaving. He would not do so alone. He needed Abbott and it was time to call upon their pact.

Thomter Twins

Leaving the mists had been a big relief for these two. Lumencroft was nightmarish enough and they sought to make their first stop as Florenic explorers to a more positive-aligned planar realm.


Now longer trapped in the mists, this seraph would have to figure out a strange and new world within the entirety of Arturias. His first steps would be to meet with what remnants there are of the Cultivarum.


Spud left the mists in pursuit of trying to find his master, Petton Dyrovius.


Tenerian was more than eager to leave the mists and did not hesitate when the chance opened up for him to do so. Within the true remains of Veinrock, a city still in turmoil, he bitterly sought out whatever deity would grant him some semblance of status.

Report Date
24 Mar 2024
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