Nastirn Empire

An Ancient Arturias Faction



The Emperor was expected of great things. They had ultimate say as to what would happen and could overrule any decision. This was all with the assumption that any action was for the good of the empire.

Emperors are chosen by the Cultivarum's deities over a complex mixture of the following qualities: merit, morals, and spirit. This was to weed out those who would abuse such an important status for their own selfish gains.


Viceroys represent the different towns and peoples part of the Empire. They would advise and coordinate with the Emperor to help ensure the empire's stability.


Because of the different cultures that have been incorporated, each people would have different ways of structuring their towns and villages at times. Executant became a catch-all term for any officials sent to aid viceroys or were important officials to consider, often military or production leaders.


A consistent issue that burdened the Empire was keeping the peace between different cultures within the country as not everyone got along Some feared they would lose their heritage or identity. What helped remedy these concerns was a "Consensus of Culture." This compromise meant there would be a core Imperial culture everyone would utilize (like language and behavior) and aspects of others would be sprinkled in such as linings in architecture or the trim in outfits.


Wellspring of Power

This legendary relic was a crafted gift from the Varite deities at the introduction of an emperor. This relic empowered entire lands to flourish and grow, provide resources from nothing, allow fires to burn more for less, and more as it overall was the biggest gift for any empire to have. During the Nastirn collapse, the deities of the Cultivarum removed the Wellspring to ensure a faction with ill intent could not utilize its power for nefarious purposes. Whether it was dismantled, destroyed, or placed elsewhere is uncertain. Many archaeologists and major powers itch at the opportunity to take hold of such a powerful relic.


Early Period

Before the Empire was even considered, all of Varlum was scattered into various tribes and primitive factions. People simply warred over resources and territory as the only things they cared about the most. The Cultivarum's deities, Okran the Legitor, Ankaia the Seraph, and Merrindeer the Fey, managed to unite a few initial tribes for a higher spiritual purpose. They chose Nastirran, a clan to have accommodated multiple peoples rather than just elves or dwarves, to lead this new movement.

Slowly overtime, the Nastirn Empire grew and civilized the continent with the initial aim of removing basic carnal goals and savagery in the world. Other clans were brought under the banner either peacefully or by force. The Cultivarum desired a unified continent where all could live in peace and harmony.

Golden Years

As multiple cultures and people began to wave the Nastirn banner, the position of emperor was made to help steer and represent the empire as a whole. Once the new and strong leadership was established, the growth of the country exploded. New arrangements were made to incorporate more tribes to the empire or hostile ones were conquered.

The remaining clans and tribes that remained took inspiration from the Nastir's civilization with higher moral and spiritual elements. This meant once the empire started to border them, they became wary and feared losing their very beings to this powerhouse.

Late Years

Hastliven, a Stlikere, knew of these fears of losing one's sense of identity. This power-hungry tyrant took power by exploiting these fears in his home country of Stliken. He utilized dark and foul magic like none other to instill wrath upon the Empire as he sought to conquer it. He was finally defeated by brave heroes in a chaotic confrontation. In his defeat, he proclaimed that the Empire would suffer disunity, that conflict will forever torment Varlum.


When Emperor Kahlen's death occurred, it was expected that an emperor would be picked to lead the empire. The Cultivarum leaders were unsure of the candidates and it took days, weeks, then months of deliberation. Impatience struck the various political leaders and military generals, causing the biggest civil war to break out. What could be called "victories" would be short lived as vicious cycles of "vengeance" wars would break out as factions sought to reunite the Nastirn or break away from it.

This would eventually lead into the Feudal Era, where many smaller factions broke out and fought with the other.


Peace through Unity

1 - 842

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion

Florenic Discord


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