
You already know about alligators. They chomp. They swirl. They 'gon make you hurl.
Base Scaled
Acrobatics 6 12
Animal Handling 6 12
Arcana 3 6
Athletics 6 12
Charisma 0 0
Constitution 8 16
Deception 3 6
Dexterity 6 12
Health 70 140
History 2 4
Insight 0 0
Intelligence 2 4
Intimidation 6 12
Investigation 0 0
Mana 0 0
Medicine 0 0
Nature 7 14
Perception 4 8
Performance 7 14
Persuasion 0 0
Religion 4 8
Sleight of Hand 0 0
Stealth 8 16
Strength 8 16
Survival 5 10
Will 60 120
Wisdom 0 0
Agile 6 12
Slippery 7 14
Share this file with player characters who have an animal handling of 8 or higher.   For shamans: Aspect of Alligator   2 agile, 2 slippery   All holds deal 18 more damage, and all hold effects deal damage on every failed escape. This is increased by 10 every five levels you are.
Alligators are each placed twice in initiative. Alligators receive a +15 stealth bonus in water.   Attacks-   Chomp: the alligator bites and grips hard on its opponent. This keeps the target and place and is considered a hold.   Accuracy: Strength   Dodge: Constitution d12 + agile   Range: Melee + 1 sqaure   Damage: 18/36 per turn and per failed escape from the holding power of the chomp.     Death twirl: On a target who is currently chomped, and is also in or adjacent to water, the alligator twirls and attempts to drown the target. People or entities who can breathe underwater always pass the associated survival check. (To avoid drowning, targets roll their survival to beat their own level +12. If they fail, they take nd10 damage, where is their level every turn they are drowning.)   Accuracy: None (it just hits if they are still chomped)   Dodge: None   Damage: 40/80


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