Anocondas (Anul-Cun-du-ah)

Anacondas are from the Other World, but have made themselves quite at home in the forests of Northern Gabsia. They don’t need to eat much, but when they do eat, they tend to splurge a little bit. Principally, they lie in wait, and then reach down and strangle or otherwise crush victims of their choosing. They swim quickly in water, and can climb up most surfaces other beings would have trouble with. There are not too many forms of the anaconda, but each one should be considered armed and dangerous. Well, scratch the arm part.   Anacondas do not spend any additional movement in water or on vertical challenges, and if there is a hazard which does not fall into either of those characteristics, they roll at advantage to clear it.    Types:   Yellow - These are the smallest of the bunch, and the easiest to resist. They only attack people with intelligence 6 or lower, as those are the people stupid enough to fall for their schemes.     Green - These are about twice the size of yellow anacondas, and everything about them other than acrobatics is doubled as well.   Striped riverwinders - Riverwinders keep all the same attacks, but now cannot be damaged or otherwise effected by magic.   Leaping Anaconda- Leaping Anacondas have triple the stats of yellow anacondas, but are pitch black and have additional stealth. They also gain the ability to sail from one point in the air to another, and can change direction mid-flight. The range for this is roughly 1.5x normal movement, and will only take a quarter of an action.
--------- Yellow Green Striped Leaping
Acrobatics 4 4 8 12
Animal Handling 4 8 8 12
Arcana 3 6 8 9
Athletics 4 4 8 9
Charisma 0 0 8 0
Constitution 3 6 8 9
Deception 7 14 8 21
Dexterity 7 14 8 21
Health 40 80 160 330
History 0 0 8 0
Insight 2 4 8 6
Intelligence 7 14 8 21
Intimidation 7 14 8 21
Investigation 7 14 8 21
Mana 0 0 0 0
Medicine 2 4 8 6
Nature 7 14 8 21
Perception 7 14 8 21
Performance 7 14 8 21
Persuasion 3 6 8 9
Religion 0 0 8 0
Sleight of Hand 0 0 0 0
Stealth 7 14 8 21
Strength 2 4 8 6
Survival 5 10 8 15
Will 5 10 11 15
Wisdom 2 4 8 6
Agile 4 6 8 15
Slippery 4 6 8 15
Attacks-   Constrict: The snake grips a target, rendering them unable to attack or move. They will be able to roll their constitution vs. the snake's strength on the beginning of their turn as a free action to get out. If they fail this, they can elect to break a piece of their own armor or take the listed escape penalty in damage to get out.  Accuracy: Strength Dodge: Athletics d6 + Agile. [Reminder: you cannot critically succeed on a d8 or lower, unless multiple dice are rolled. A dodge of a d6 is reserved for hard to dodge things.]  Damage per turn: Yellow 15/Green 30/ Striped 60/ Leaping 80 Escape penalty: Yellow 30/Green 60/ Striped 90/ Leaping 180   Swallow: The snake swallows a held target, on the condition that they are currently constricted. Opponents swallowed roll at disadvantage on attacks to get out, but deal double damage on hits. If they deal more than 50% of the anaconda's remaining health in a single strike, they cut the snake open and are released.  Accuracy: Survival Dodge: Animal Handling d10 + Agile Damage:  Green 40/ Striped 50/ Leaping 60 Damage in stomach Green 6% target's max health per turn/ Striped 8%/ Leaping 10%   Striped Riverwinders are immune to magic and do not trigger magic actions. For Shamans:   Aspect of Anaconda - +2 Agile, and you get advantage on spell dodges.


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