Bears (Biirs)

Bears are a proud race of animals, and are very much so stuck in their ways. They are persnickety about nap times, have a bad temper about politics, and have trouble dropping an argument. Bears also come in several varieties which wildly change their behavior and the way they interact with their environment. Most bears will not attack you unless you stand between them and a mate, food, or their child. Most bears are power bottoms, which means they might be a bottom, but still generate most of the power in the act.   Bears drop bear intestines every time they are killed with a non-explosion, as well as a bear pelt.   Types -    Black Bears: These are acrobatic motherfuckers, who can often be found in trees and doing cute shit. However, they remain dangerous.   Grizzly Bears: Grizzly bears cannot be knocked down, and they are not able to be stunned either. Environmental factors do hardly anything to stop them.   Polar Bears: Polar bears cannot be slowed down at all by environmental factors, and are unaffected by water or ice magic. Their thick fat also prevents them from taking damage over time which would be less than 30.    Bug Bears: Someone didn’t know how to name these, clearly, and are actually much closer to Denizans. Their stats don’t really match those of bears, and neither do their attacks. Some of them can even be communicated with quite easily. However, their remains still count as bear intestines, because very technically, they are.  
----- Black Grizzly Polar Bug
Acrobatics 12 12 19 5
Animal Handling 8 14 16 5
Arcana 1 5 9 5
Athletics 6 14 20 5
Charisma 1 5 9 5
Constitution 15 20 25 5
Deception 1 5 9 5
Dexterity 12 14 20 5
Health 150 280 330 50
History 1 5 9 5
Insight 1 5 9 5
Intelligence 4 5 9 5
Intimidation 5 14 15 5
Investigation 3 6 12 5
Mana 1 1 1 1
Medicine 1 5 9 5
Nature 11 24 30 5
Perception 5 8 16 5
Performance 1 5 9 5
Persuasion 1 5 9 5
Religion 1 5 9 5
Sleight of Hand 1 5 9 5
Stealth 6 5 9 5
Strength 12 20 25 5
Survival 12 20 23 5
Will 120 120 240 5
Wisdom 1 5 10 5
Agile 4 6 10 5
Slippery 3 5 7 5
Attacks:   Claw: A side-swiping claw attack which will hit up to two opponents, but accuracy will have to be rolled for both and damage will be divided by number of targets hit. All types of bears have access to this attack. Accuracy: Black-Dexterity/Grizzly-Strength/Polar-Nature Dodge: Animal Handling d10+ Agile Damage: Black-30/Grizzly-45/Polar-55 If a polar bear or a grizzly bear beat the opponent's dodge roll by more than 10 on their accuracy roll, a piece of armor is destroyed at random on the defender.   Bite: The bear bites straight into the meat of a target's flesh. This can be a source of bleed damage if a dm wishes to scale the fight up. Only Grizzly and polar bears have access to this attack, as black bears aren't ever really in the mood for dinner when players are around. Accuracy: Strength Dodge: Constitution d12 + Agile Damage: Grizzly 60/ Polar 75   Ravage: Once bitten or knocked down, a target can then be ravaged, as a triggered second attack. A Polar Bear will get endless amount of attacks, each dealing 30 damage on the knocked down target, until they roll a survival check (meaning a d20) that beats the bear’s constitution. A roll is made after each 30 dealt to the target. If the bear critically fails, they will end the ravage unless the defender also manages to critical fail at that point and maintains a lower score. Note for DMs: This is a potentially lethal attack from full health on some varieties of party members. Use with immense discretion. Accuracy: Constitution Dodge: Survival d20 (Reminder: d20 rolls are not made with agile or slippery unless specified) Damage: 30 per success For Shamans: Aspect of Polar Bear +20 health, +20 Will, +2 Strength If an attack you take would deal less than 30 damage, as a triggered action, you may begin ravaging your opponent.


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